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Status Updates posted by Toshyxx

  1. 343 BLOWS

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Axilus Prime
    3. depressant


      @Toshyxx Haha, go away, loser.

    4. Toshyxx


      diversity is what drives man kind. im allowed to post and say what i please bcus im a free american citizen and under the document no man nor government can hold me from the declaration of independence. in doing so they are operating outside the declaration and is holding me to standards not represented by what i stand for and what this nation was founded on. with out it. 343I would not exist. so as ive been saying 343 has broken halo. they are incompetent and any who follow are brainless she...

  2. Halo 5 better be good.

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