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Azaxx last won the day on June 5 2017

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  1. I will take everything back that I criticised the new DLC about, got my new Prefect armour (along with Venator Skin which I have just found out) and they look awesome. The new maps Pitfall And Vertigo are so damn amazing, instantly into my top 3 Halo 4 maps, both of them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azaxx


      Nope I'm gonna get that when I have the money for it. I just mucked around in forge on the maps. Don't need to play a game to know they're awesome though.

    3. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      Almost every armor I have used is the new ones from the pack. Some pieces were re-used from previous models, but most of it is pretty dang awesome.

    4. Frankenzer


      I'm probably one of the first few people who got the DLC first and I'm never leaving my prefect again. It is so awesome. I have a forerunner armour now :o

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