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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. there are assassinations are back, and confirmed image here this spartan is performing one. nuff said.
  2. i have never thrown mine, and ive used controllers for like 12 years, the good old SNES! but yeah, i find it childish if you throw the controller, but is k if you throw something else lol
  3. wtf how did it get here without been seen, i dont think the covey have put spires on our planet yet?
  4. You are wrong bro, in the forerunner/flood war, the ancient humans were neutral with the foerunners, they found a cure and soon enough were attacked by the flood. So the ancient humans landed onto forerunner home planets and was seen as attacking, so the forerunners de-evolved the humans, but survivors destroyed the cure in a revenge. But at the final stages of the flood war, the forerunners chose the humans to be the care takers of the galaxy once the left. So in their minds (and the precursors) we are the reclaimers.
  5. I dunno why, to me it looks hideious, big and bulky just looks crap. Especially with a tiny hemlet to go with it.
  6. ohhhh, i would choose Pegasus, Fluttershy is best pony you see. WYR be a spartan I or a marine?
  7. but seriously, all of those awards were just murdered.....i feel horrified, now i dont have the lead!
  8. i dunno what you did, but to me, and those around me at the time i talked to you, you were a very nice person, just know that
  9. These i also did, also im double posting because these arnt request, did them for fun, you could download them if you want. Elite: Original image url; http://i1257.photobu...xx100/elite.jpg My version; Spartan 4: Original image url; http://images.wikia...._Spartan_IV.jpg My version; Tell me what you think?!
  10. told you guys ill do them while i was away @ Cupman @The Director
  11. Looking forward to getting all of my awards back from the dead, R.I.P my 5 lost awards, just know you were loved.
  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SJ, you are not getting a 'like' for this heresy.
  13. No she doesnt, imo, i liked her in H3 better, and message to OP. please put more info into ur topics, you barely put anything into them.
  14. I saw this only bungie.net this is where it came from, and the member who posted it there, is a member here who i talk to lol
  15. Congrats cheif (i aint saying the full name, takes forever on this ipad, but by now i probably couldve typed it...oh well ) but yeah Good job on reaching a spot that so many havnt reached, only .0007% of all members have reached it, including you! Well done, go higher now, hit the 1.5k mark.
  16. Off for a few days, be back saturday night.

    1. ZB-85
    2. Zaguroth


      Cya when you come back

  17. Azaxx

    Halo 4 Signature.

    Photoshop probably, but thats just a guess.
  18. I love the bungie one, though i see alot of people not using, and i wonder, why not its the best! Or didnt they see the promos everywhere and not get it????
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