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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. lol! TPAM love spidey! TPBM jumps off cliff then landing onto a train which came out of a tunnel which in turn does a barrel roll to rid of this new pest, but you armour lock and **** the train with it.....the end!
  2. Naruto, at least i know that anime. WYR be a bee or a beetle?
  3. Finally, a decent wallpaper for my ipad
  4. My Little Pony. Friendship is Magic Do you like the elder scrolls series?
  5. granted, but its not the jesters marvin ;D I wish all of my awards show on the side <---
  6. granted, but you dont know how to use it i wish i could eat a sun...
  7. nope, AUSTRALIA Do you like teh ponies?!
  8. changed my word Ponies, yup, ossimpossim or, .......... Hillo
  9. wasnt this being locked? oh well, inb4 lock anyways
  10. lol this is soooo funny, wish i were there.
  11. i am a mudkip, therefore im perfect and attractive ,so i should be in!
  12. the link wont work because Bungie.net doesnt control halo anymore, thus it wont download.
  13. Oh ok, my bad, but i say now to sniper 'hard cores' what i said in that post
  14. Ok, i have done three, @ The Director, and Cupman, i know you got in first, but since yours take alot more time, (longer than i expected) expect them once i come back(going for a few days) now i am accepting requests again, but they wont be done until my previous two are done! Now back to the drawings @The Darkest Hour @DoctorB77 @Kurt S-051 hope you like them, and the post lol
  15. Another one... Watercolour by Pendulum!
  16. The tempest, by Pendulum Do you like winter or Summer?
  17. Nope, always been in australia. Do you have a pet?
  18. Just epic, too bad i cant do that with my pencil
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