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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. ok, jerk lol! in australia, we have some real idiots talking.
  2. read the rules bulletstorm. ill continue, Earl Grey Tea
  3. Yes Do you have a moniter which is wider than 24"?
  4. granted, but you mess up everything and then get banned... I wish i could shoot lasers from my mouth!
  5. oh damn... The person above me has an ossim possim profile picture. The person below me has no head.
  6. granted, but everyone still hates you I wish my xbox wouldnt keep turning off on its own.
  7. granted, but under extreme stress you tear a muscle (that does happen lol) I wish i dont draw like a person with late stage Parkinson's disease
  8. I dont want them in the trilogy, just because they arnt fun to fight.
  9. granted, but its old and yucky.... I wish i could draw faster so my requests become less....
  10. You just made this topic 4 times, i request deletion of 3 of them.
  11. Azaxx

    Changed DMR!

    i love that DMR and that elite major!
  12. Why the hell are you guys all for the ibot, she is only interested in Twam.
  13. I request this topic be locked, there is already an official Forge topic.
  14. When i get the game, i will spend around 20-30 minutes checking all of my stuff in the edition of Halo that i get. Then hop into the game, amd do half of the campaign, forge and get to know the maps, finish the campaign. Do multiplayer then spartan ops, then forever forge and multiplayer.
  15. Updated the OP, weapon/alien data
  16. I am aussie and i am offended by this above me! Oh well.....Espresso
  17. Hillo and welcome to out forums, have fun and get halo information here! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/5807-message-to-all-new-members/ http://www.343industries.org/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules But before u do post, read these instructions.
  18. I am a lieutenant grade two i think
  19. Agreed mods dont have to do demands like this, and the toughest mod award is chosen by the community not a silly little thing like this.
  20. The person above me has an epic profile pic... The person below me, doesnt have an epic pic...
  21. Red, dirty blues! WYR or squirtle or bulbasaur
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