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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. *cough* i hardly ever use the banshee bomb *cough*
  2. I dunno why people dont play the campaign, its kinda the main thing to halo, because of its massive story
  3. Azaxx

    Changed DMR!

    I dont see much point to this topic, but i do agree they do look ossim possim
  4. CHOCOLATE MILK WYR speakers or headphones?
  5. Salad. Kinda being brief there though.
  6. I go from the top te to not being in at all!
  7. I wouldnt mind having it in, if only people dont dress up as Kat.
  8. and the post didnt allow me more than one video, so here is another http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZwVC0Uyx5A&context=C49a2689ADvjVQa1PpcFOZLHLw7X3JKZpa7jQqhBTaz9Eeg1ia3p4= also for both of them, i dont have editing tools/programs, so these are straight from bungie.net using Bungie pro, well b4 it was shut down.
  9. here are some clips, you might want in, i dunno http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60HwW3yNiKY&context=C494f3f6ADvjVQa1PpcFOZLHLw7X3JKQZtU_I2HkiBJ__RDNnvWaY=
  10. and did you know only eleven have 1000+ posts
  11. granted, but they become trolls... I wish it was my birthday...
  12. granted, but they all hate you. I wish Twam was here...
  13. granted, but u still cant access any of them... I wish i liked vegetables?
  14. Sniper Rifle...............vs.......Beam Rifle?............................ 1 Brute Shot.................vs.......Concussion Rifle?................... 2 Fuel Rod Gun............vs.......Rocket Launcher?.................. 2 Mauler......................vs.......Shotgun?................................ 2 Spartan Laser..........vs........Plasma Launcher?.................1 DMR........................vs.........BR?.........................................1 Carbine....................vs........Needle Rifle?...........................2 Gravity Hammer......vs........Energy Sword?........................2 Plasma Pistol...........vs........Magnum?................................2 Frag Grenade..........vs........Plasma Grenade?...................2
  15. I also have spent many hours researching legit resources about Halo 4, and have not come around Elite Ops. So i highly doubt its legit.
  16. im doing all of the mods, not fair just doing three Twam: The God Spectral Jester: Tough, Niceguy Absolute Dog: Mysteriously awesome Bob: Spambot Destroyer Vitamin PWN: Night talker One: Funnily odd.
  17. confirmed by i think, Frank OConner, but i know for a fact, it was confirmed by a 343i head staff member
  18. Well, long time and no paintings are here. Well that is about to change! Say Hello to some i have recently done 1.) System View 2.) Volcanic 3.) Single Planet 4.) Beach Scene 5.) Request By Twam , it has Fuchsia in it Ok, well thats the paintings i have done so far, if anyone wants a custom painting done, for i dunno a signature or something like Kurt did, just pm, or put on this topic, and ill get it done when the weather and mum both agree
  19. Halo 4 , forge and campaign! WYR a bad matressed emporer sized bed, or a lovely single bed?
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