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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. Azaxx


    Hillo thar and welcome, Read these lin.....oh wait...ZB did it for you... Welcome anyways though
  2. dont be too hard on yourself AD, if anything, you helped him, cause we know that it works for LIVE, so you gave him advice telling him that it works for that
  3. as i said before, awesome news, BUT LET ME LIKE YOUR POSTS, you deserve it
  4. Hillo, newbie! welcome to the club I am hyperlinking here so have a little read! RULES MESSAGE And make friends!
  5. Granted, but it Sooo buggy I wish i wernt afraid of spiders....
  6. I joined the undying resistance, the clan made on this site.....though....dont tell them this...i haven't done much
  7. Fluttershy is best pony!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. King of Winter

      King of Winter

      Im gonna go meet twilight sparkle aza! ends up im going! ^_^


    3. Azaxx
    4. Bobo Magroto

      Bobo Magroto

      Thems fighting words! :P

  8. My dislikes: Tarturus ending Graveminds aweful poems The killing off of the two high prophets Tarturus again The brutes power win in the story THe flood looks The shadow, it looked ugly as hell Tarturus The beam rifle, though they improved it in their next game And finally...did i mention i hated tarturus?
  9. Well said brony, but yeah a clan, is usually a group of mates wanting to formally play together on certain games. But this can spread out in members to 10 000's.
  10. Well done mate, you definatly deserved that special name colour, now you arnt inferior
  11. Ok guys,with the downloading feature online not working, go into reach and custom search this map, put in his GamerTag and map name. This will get you the map.
  12. I will still buy the game, no matter how much it costs!
  13. First post in New named guys topic Im so glad youre happier, hope u get more money soon!
  14. Wait a second....we have to give a speech.......problem, i dont have a mic, well i do, but i need a cord to connect it to my headset, lost it, soon after i got it.....also! What else would we be doing, customs?
  15. You know me, when aussies can play, i play azwell! -reads armour colours- nooooooooo, i love steel! Meh something i can play at.....also...first!
  16. oh, what is this, ive never seen the pause button before rofl, just noticed it also i never use the special feature buttons on my keyboard like sound and play/pause,...except for the calculator
  17. THEY ARE EPIC, too bad i dont have the game um..but you might wanna put links for all of the maps!
  18. I DID ANOTHER PAINTINGS, wait that doesnt make sense, oh well i waiting for my sister to let me take a shot with her camera because its better, so you guys will have to wait until she says yes...
  19. Granted, but the disk is badly scratched I wish i wernt afraid of anything.
  20. The biggest word WYR be an elite or hunter?
  21. I can understand the forerunner vision being only in campaign, and the installation 10 being a precuser thing?.... But playing as a brute in multiplayer..no and elites are said not to be in multiplayer. But quick, scab some more information now!
  22. You do realise the mods dubbed he, as a she...
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