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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. why yes, yes it is! last post on this topic for a while hopefully one last Guess, TWAM!
  2. Yeah, i guess so Do you like sport.
  3. Looks! remember this Quantum, I never forgot you!
  4. Member Since 21 Jun 2011 old person here!
  5. you're a good friend here, and ill never steal you stuff....*cough*
  6. Rusch you NEED to edit ur posts, continue this and yu get a warning from mods, continue and it can result in bad things
  7. ill do more halo art, but the nature paintings i do stay on my topic, the halo ones, go to You!
  8. No Um.....someone i havent guessed.......le Derp king?
  9. Yes but i prefer really hot weather. Do u like the beach and swimming in it?
  10. Car, then smash it WYR a lion or tiger eat u
  11. I am VERY surprised no one said to ask me, ok, Halo books are sold at Collins and Dymocks book stores. I have bought some from there, and seen them But i am disappoint with u guys still
  12. Yes both bones in my arm Do you like Coke?
  13. I ban ZB' because i has the Marvin award that i want!
  14. I think that they care for each other very much even at this stage, hopefully the relationship continues well
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