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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. So, in the special package from Postmaster, got a legendary scout rifle, ascended shard and ascended energy. What a draw.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower



      ehh it just takes patience


      ...And time.



    3. Azaxx


      Your joke doesn't work since we didn't get anywhere near Atheon, Time's Conflux. lol

    4. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Exotic sniper rifle.

  2. Finished the Raid. That was bloody fun.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Azaxx



      That's a great site for finding loads of people for any type of playlist/gametype for Destiny.

    3. Drizzy_Dan
    4. Azaxx


      Now done it twice (one being a Hard play-style run through), ready for it on Hard.

  3. Suckers, I have two rides.
  4. Who has Destiny for the Xbox One? And what level is your main character?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zaguroth


      I have on 360 and One o_o 29 Titan o_o

    3. Azaxx


      Ok cause I'm a level 28 Hunter, looking to see if it's possible to do a Raid whenever, since those are fun when you've got good people to do it with.

    4. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      I would be happy to do it, but i need a One lol :(

  5. Ah no worries lol. Just didn't want you to do all this work and to have not realised if there was a mistake or not. Good luck continuing in the meantime!
  6. Just to make this clear for you, since I've just noticed this myself. You've made a small error when reading up the 'rules' so to speak on the 30 Day Halo Challenge Link to Thread Says that you must post in a different subforum, while the 4 you've made have been in the General Discussion. I can move the ones you've already made to other subforums to make them count, but you're gonna have to remember to post in different areas from then on Good luck with the challenge.
  7. No, it was a useless and completely overpowered beast that ripped apart everything except the scorpion. The stomp attack ruins any infantry trying to board, the machine gun tears through banshees and the rockets easily outpowers other vehicles. It didn't even suit Halo, Halo isn't about Mecha's, and it shouldn't have been incoperated so heavily like it was. I myself have gotten many frenzies and riots simply by staying in the mantis, and no one has a chance in hell against me. It's completely ridiculous and shouldn't be featured in any future main title Halo game.
  8. If that was the case, then Last Resort (remake of Zanzibar in Halo 3) would've kept that theme going. Since it hasn't, 343i didn't really need to make a trend up themselves for it.
  9. If you wish to be included in the new Anime Discussion PM, let me know.

  10. Think it's 7 lol. I only got the game for myself in the last few days before the original XBL shut down. Although I got to play with then Bungie employees, so that was cool.
  11. Man do I vow never to drink again.

  12. Dunno, whichever I get put into in the matchmaking system. First mission from Halo 2:A. None, I hated Spartan Ops.
  13. Here's my girl, Awoken Hunter. Using a phone since Bungie.net and the Destiny app dramatically reduces the character image quality, makes it look like something from 2006. Too bad the phone draws in too much colour so you can't see the blue skin ;_; Updated here; old image in spoiler.
  14. Destiny is pretty fun, but nothing compared to what it's hyped to be.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Akali


      I could imagine that something like that would of happened. Happens to the best of things

    3. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Elaborate Azaxx, what parts of Destiny didn't live up to expectations?

    4. Azaxx


      The lack of any story, Raids can only be done if you have 5 other friends with the exact same free time as you, and the incredible amount of level grinding.

  15. Halo MCC is the main exclusive to sell the Xbox One, without it being exclusive the Xbox One won't sell much at all. Piracy is a huge problem for PC gaming, that's a fact. If Halo MCC went to PC, it'd be pirated beyond belief, which'd take a crap tonne of money away from 343i/MS. Or rather, would take a lot of potential money away from them. Halo MCC needs to stick to console, and stay there. In marketing thinking, it makes no sense to port it to PC.
  16. Halo CE has is own anniversary so it and H3/4 only get boosted to 1080p, 60fps. That's the only changed made to them visually. Halo 2:A gets the campaign remastered which has interchangeable graphics (back button) while it's multiplayer remains exactly how it was 10 years ago. Six Halo 2 maps are remastered with full anniversary treatment, these visually are on par with Halo 4 and cannot be switched back graphically because in some senses, they're a different map to the original. In the multiplayer system, you can sort by game or gametype going through all of the games in a mix. Most people will gravitate to Halo 2/3 since that was the peak of its population. However people will find Halo CE being online something fresh, and they just played Halo 4. With memories and nostalgia being an important piece of the MCC, people won't generally care what the game looks like, nor should they. They'll pick on what gave them the most fun.
  17. You might wanna note that the Energy Sword is confirmed from the trailer with the Midship/Heretic remake. I imagine the Rocket Launcher thing will be somewhat similar to the anti-titan launcher in Titanfall, so a vehicular destroying weapon only. And it can't just be me, but that SMG looks retarded.
  18. I'll reserve here, not sure if I'll get around to posting. If I don't, I'll just delete this. But hopefully I'll get around to something, if the weather clears up.
  19. What specifically do you need help with, that's a bit vague of a request.
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