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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. Ask in the shoutbox, if you get a yes, private message the person, im sure theyll ask for help
  2. It is when a member of these forums makes a topic and organises a day where us members can get together and play on a certain Halo game usually....this is run by staff members
  3. Ok, Absolute Dog is most likely the one to be handing that out, u MUST have PLAYED 7 games in the community playdate with them, A-Dog will be dishing those awards after it finishes, be patient everyone
  4. there might be rich people who dont need a job and play....but that seems unlikely aswell
  5. Butterscotch icecream with either blue heaven or butterscotch topping
  6. That hasnt been confirmed, nor denied.
  7. Sleeping, eating, painting, drawing, Halo, eating again, being on the computer in general, TV, eating more, AFL football, playing with my dogs and finally...did i mention i like eating??
  8. lol good point, Maybe we could have not just yours but maybe a selected fews maps put together to make a small map pack. And more packs would be created as time goes on...?
  9. Is this just your map pack, or are others allowed to request some of their BEST maps to be placed here?
  10. Seen it, the AR are so photoshopped' i call MASSIVE fake
  11. Spartans all the way What colour is your Reach spartan?
  12. Hit it with a brick, problem solved
  13. [Colot=yellow] I have always been good at, BTB maps, and heavy BTB, i have done invasion and theyre alright aswell [/color]
  14. I dont understand why they keep hating, 343 will not change something for a minority of haters, they should get over it, or stop playing all together.
  15. Biggles, how could you, youre cheating on me, after all that ive done for you, i cant...i never thought you would do this to me...its over biggles
  16. lol hillo skum, even though you have been here for ages, welcome.....oh my u must be hacking look at all those awards u have
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