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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. It reckon it made more members come back to halo 3 because of something that they never had, it did not take down the population, more like pulled it up.
  2. Azaxx


    Yes we do have alot of them, i request this topic locked, there isnt much point to this one, not much him tellin us
  3. No i have not What is your favourite day of the week?
  4. Electronica or dubstep! Favourite side, left or right
  5. Just gonna squeeze in for a second, donuts vids are pretty good, the tuts are very helpful, go check them out!
  6. Tucker: My sword? **** yeah, I know how to use it. What's there to understand about swish swish stab? It's a ******* sword dude, it's not a fighter jet. indeed
  7. King its a WYR, not a would you, but yes i would anyway WYR be green or blue skinned in RL
  8. lord of Halo3 Forge has come!
  9. Azaxx

    BxR in halo 4

    whats BxR? i have know idea *feels left out*
  10. same here Biggles, great minds do think alike
  11. i want this info so badly, if 343 were Bungie, info wouldve been given out like 2 years ago...silly bungie lol
  12. Halo: Encyclopedia.... that counts! what size is your computer screen?
  13. you sir, are a genius, oh wait why is that a surprise
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