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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. Real Name - Lachlan Team Name - Reaper
  2. that what you said is totally out of line, we can have our own opinions and no one has the right to say we're dumb because of it, and in your comment, you are dumb for saying it
  3. i voted Reach and Reach was more successful than Halo 3, look at the sales and Scores
  4. No its not, that was Quantum not Quantum PWN
  5. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/6909-343i-community-signature-shop-v20/ here read this
  6. what is this ..exercise? anywho, i play Halo, minecraft, more Halo, bit of skyrim, surf the tube of you, halo again, eat a bit, and did i mention halo?
  7. Why isnt there all the other weapons like the needler rifle? but i still went with the Sniper, god of all weapons
  8. Nothing, well i ate my boredom i guess
  9. I suggest this topic to be moved into an appropriate forum location.
  10. A fellow brony! HILLO
  11. Give me my blue back!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azaxx


      I will do anything -im going to regret saying that-

    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      anything you say * does the finger pyramid of evil contemplation*

    4. ZB-85


      I have a few ideas.

  12. Football But AFL football Favourite animal?
  13. Internet explorer=the browser you use to download Firefox
  14. Good info, thanks for it I will miss bungie, but i will still get their games
  15. Twam said it, therefore it is the best'
  16. Am i a target today?....two tricks in a day!
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