w00t 500 posts! Never though i would get to 50 when i first joined
Since I just got in the big league of dedicated! I think it is fitting to say thanks to people who have helped me stay on this site and reach that big achievement.
Absolute Dog - Many things wouldn't be running without you. The forge contest, I for one am grateful for this, because I love forge
Spectral Jester - You do a fantasic job of keeping the forums nice and pretty, and banning the occasional troll
Vitamin PWN - putting up with me in the shoutbox and also liking my paintings and giving some pretty awards, so shiny
The other 3 Moderators - Not many people go out of there way to say thankyou for what you do for us, thanks!
Donut - Funny guy, fantastic forger, hope to beat you soon...
Ms. Mystic - Always kind to me and very cheery, her little sayings are getting around though...."NiNi"
One - loves the same science as me, very funny..i guess why he has that award
Quantum Matrix - Thanks again for that awesome signature that you made for me!
Ashlynn - Always happy and loves to have fun, very kind aswell.
ZB-085 - For being a funny and jokable
Twam - We wouldn't be here if it weren't for you :unworthy:
Every other member - I couldn't write a whole page of every member that is AWESOME but you guys know who you are and thanks once again.
And thanks once again, even for reading this.
- Azaxx
Now for 1000