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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. I never specifically said you, i meant in general
  2. and still people complain when you put the facts out...also i like your new Signature
  3. is that picture behind the rank a pokeball looks like it anyhows i rate it,... 9.998/10
  4. already seen this, he also has done LOTS of other famous songs, like Pirates Of the Caribbean.
  5. Pretty nice, I like how you made the 'river' a main theme into the maps middle. But could you tell us about the spawn points for the humans and zombies?
  6. By myself for this contest, same as last time, and that payed off well.
  7. Welcome to the site, friendly people live here! Oh and your blessed, Twam posted in your topic
  8. How about when a teammate shoots you, they get the damage points
  9. Hillo, have fun in this site
  10. welcome to the site!, be sure to check this link http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/5807-message-to-all-new-members/page__p__54018#entry54018 The Welcome page
  11. Though I'm not into MLG, those people who play it deserve because they are really competitive players who would'nt always fit with the casual players. Plus with Halo 3 and Reach having the playlist, it seems appropriate to include a MLG playlist in Halo 4
  12. That is true, but many people like how halo 3 was, simple but good, and it worked well
  13. Actually they destroyed the same ring twice, and then put installation 05 on standby. So technically they destroyed one, installation 04
  14. And i can comeback to that' when you shoot someone in the head when they have no shields, they die, in ALL games
  15. Exactly, if people dissagree, they're so wrong
  16. i did it in 45 minutes, sorry no proof though
  17. have you talked to every best player in the world, answer: No so that proves your arguement totally wrong, plus you dont get it, bloom has been in every game, not just reach, so MLG have being playing with bloom for years
  18. i have talked to Twam, my life is blessed forever now
  19. Halo Pokemon Use to like super mario , befor they screwed it up Mario Kart [EDIT] and the Elder Scrolls And a bit more Halo
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