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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. mark VI, master cheif w00t WYR drive a phantom or pelican
  2. movie-LoTR 1 song-the tempest by Pendulum game-halo 3
  3. i totally agree with that 3rd point it gets so fustrating, its not a winning vote its a tie so revote it D:<
  4. okay, im doing it tomorrow, preparing the stencils i need tonight
  5. Mongoose **** ghost RUN MONGOOSE RUN WYR drive a scorpion or wraith
  6. and i watched your rickroll gratscon to all the WINNARS
  7. Chuck norris, we could chat sry QM WYR fight chuck norris or bruce lee?
  8. extinct (or breed with zombies lol) WYR 32" LCD moniter or a 24 LED 3D moniter?
  9. Made new map, Harbinger check it out, also new concept art that im gonna paint, in general forums

    1. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      :'D It...beautiful!

    2. Azaxx
    3. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      I can't wait for the art! I might make it into a signature. I'm in need of a new one.

  10. well i said yesterday that ill be doing a halo theme painting and ill post the concept art for it, one pics blurry and the other had the flash on the camera [edit] oh and the backround will black the covy ship purple/pink and the halo blue and red ill do them soon (today or the weekend) [EDIT] heres another (bit hard drawing a reflected carrier)
  11. Red base = 1 tank, 2 mongeese 2 pumas and a falcon Blue base =1 tank 2 ghosts 1 puma and a banshee Red base=1 DMR, 1 shotgun, 1 needler, 1 plasma pistol, 1 sniper rifle Blue base=1 DMR, 1 shotgun, 1 needler, 1 plasma pistol,1 sniper rifle and a rocket launcher and plasma launcher at two places
  12. This map is forerunner themed and has special fx, (for those who dont like fx sorry) this is the whole island view. The map is made for team slayer and CTF, 6-16 players. View of red base: and the almighty blue base oh and a tower for good looks the map has other forerunnerish features but i didnt want to clog the whole page with pictures. Anyway the map isnt on my file share but can be played customs when im on. Hope you like it community...
  13. Johnson...he knows what the ladies like WYR: 1v1 Marty O'Donnell or Frank O'Conner
  14. Concept art coming tomorrow, Halo logo with covy super carrier glassing it

    1. Adam91


      where did you hear this?

    2. Azaxx


      Im doing it, not halo 4 stuff

    3. Kurt S-501
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