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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. So, if you haven't being paying attention to science lately. Inflation theory was proved, indisputable evidence for Dark Energy, Gravitational waves with Quantum Mechanics finally concludes Einsteins theory of General Relativity correct. Big bang next to confirmed now.

    1. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Does this pay my bills?

    2. Coldfreeze


      ah yes, theory becomes fact, History gets rewritten.


    3. Sιlεƞτ Aʟρнα

      Sιlεƞτ Aʟρнα

      Einstein finally proven! :3

  2. Azaxx


    Blame Church for that. I only banned the green.
  3. Welcome, to the Shadow Realm.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sadly Just AL
    3. Drizzy_Dan


      Time to D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-Drizzy_Dan

    4. Azaxx


      You activated my trap card!

  4. Azaxx

    Halo 3

    To the first, please don't revive dead threads.
  5. Hopefully never, it's completely unnecessary.
  6. Just ordered 2 decks of YuGiOh. And I don't even play the game lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Twinreaper


      I was an expert Duelist when the original Yu-Gi-Oh was around.

    3. Buns


      YuGiOh complicated? Thats like saying Call Of Duty has indepth mechanics

    4. Azaxx



  7. I can safely say this, and I know others would agree that I'm one of the most uptight people regarding my personal life and sharing it with others. I never link my Facebook/other social media, and I barely give out my name to anyone. Even my friends on Facebook who I know in real life don't know much about me from Facebook, because I've set practically everything to hidden, think even my age is hidden there. I never tweet and don't plan to, because I'd be giving out information to the public whom I don't plan on sharing with. I never take photos of myself either and avoid them at all costs. Not one exists of me online and nor one ever will. Even on here after nearly 3 years most people know very little about me, and what people do know is mostly a misconception on their part. So I like to think from those few points that I take my own security quite seriously lul, and although I encourage others to be wary like you're doing in your posts. Some members don't see a need to hide what they have.
  8. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/32841-pc-playdates/?do=findComment&comment=293780 ?
  9. If I'm in a mental hospital with maximum security, there is absolutely no way I'd ever be able to get due to me obviously having some psychological issue with me. The chance of escape is 0%. One way in, no way out.
  10. First disc in, and Clannad already gets me.

  11. Congrats DragonMonday on becoming a lady dragon.
  12. High Ground is by far my favourite. I know it wasn't the perfect map for all game types, and only really worked for one flag/bomb/etc or infection. But the amount of time I played on that little map gave it a nostalgic memory for me, and easily has it on my top 3 list for Halo 3. Two other maps I will mention that are also in that list are Ghost Town and Sandtrap.
  13. Twitch Plays Pokemon. Based Helix. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ HAIL LORD HELIX ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Apart from that, rolling a D20 to see how any aspect of my day is gonna be. Gotta roll dem dice, they tell only truth. Man, what great obsessions I have.
  14. March 1st 2014 - Lord Helix guides us to beating Twitch Plays Pokemon

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Is not JL

      Is not JL






    3. The Stig

      The Stig


      *Lighting crashes in the background*

    4. Spyro


      *Turns helix fossil into Omanyte*

  15. Here, have this horrifying image.
  16. No, legitimate Pokemon only. No hacking whatsoever. Event Pokemon are allowed, if not Legendary like Arceus for example. An event Pokemon like Torchic is allowed.
  17. I was going to make the rules for Legendary Pokemon the same that Battle Mansion uses, that being most of the Legendaries are banned and the weaker ones are allowed, but honestly who would want a weak legendary in the first place. No mega's would be a hard one to control, honesty would have to be the best choice. Although we can see games if either player saves it after the match. I was thinking that for finals mega evolutions can be allowed to make it interesting.
  18. This is just an idea, which I'm throwing out to everyone to see how many people would be interested. Essentially the idea is a Round Robin styled tournament having trainers battling out each other in games of best of 3. After X amount of weeks, the games end and the finals take over to see which Pokemon Trainer is the very best, like no one ever was. The number of rounds depends on how many people participate of course, and if there's an odd amount of people bye matches will be in each round. There will be no site reward to this unless I have this made into an official event, though that is unlikely due to it not being about Halo. The event would just be for people to have fun which is the most important thing with gaming. Post a reply to let me know if you would be interested, if there's above 8 people who would be wanting to see it happen, it will. Otherwise it may not happen, or I'll make it a Double Round Robin tourney. If you have any questions about the idea, ask away.
  19. When are you getting your 3DS do you think? Any idea?

  20. I need a general idea of who plays Pokemon on this forum, reply to this if you do. Cheers

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2.  Twam
    3. Azaxx


      Goodness no, I don't want 40k people in a tourney lul. Coincidently, I've been watching this all day.

      Praise Lord Helix.

    4. The Stig

      The Stig

      May the all mighty Helix be with us! Praise Helix!

  21. Azaxx


    Welcome Minionz.
  22. Love 'your' Skype ID there. lul

    1.  Twam


      I completely forgot i had that there, i was testing to see the little skype image :3

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