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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. Halo 5 Forge and Custom Games on PC is now available through the MS Store for free

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Melody


      Rip, no PC capable of running it..

    3. Sikslik7


      Update: the download button is currently removed, and should be coming back tomorrow.

    4. Twinreaper


      Halo 5 is graphically INFERIOR to ALL current market games. Check those peepers pls

  2. Quit a few games of Infection cause I'm constantly being 'betrayed' by teammates. Get banned. rip me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Melody


      I got kicked once because someone pushed me off a ledge in infection and I fell to my death, so I did the same thing to the guy that did it to me. My mistake was I kept shooting at him before I did it, so it said I betrayed him.. Rip my match and ban.

    3. Delpen9


      I once ran over 4 team members in BTB on a ghost but never got kicked for it.

    4. Ardent Prayer
    1. Melody


      Idk why I didn't reply to this but.. that's so cute! lol

  3. Just spent 7 hours at a Lake that is the home to Dratini and Eevee. Caught and overall 300+ Pokemon today, I say solid job

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ShadowFiend216
    3. Melody


      Name a Eevee Melody for me. :)

    4. Azaxx


      I caught just over 100 candy's worth of Magikarp yesterday.

  4. Finally got an Eevee to evolve, I swear every evolution looks infinitely less cute than the base form.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Twinreaper


      Except that Mewtwo isn't released or catchable. Vaporeon may be the strongest of the Eevee evos, but hardly a top gym holding contender. Executor, Dragonite and Gyrados are the common leaders atm


    3. Azaxx


      They are only used commonly because of their defence. But Vaporeon's overall statistics are much greater than them, making it the best currently available Pokemon.

      Although I hate the appearance of Vaporeon, looks like poop.

    4. Drizzy_Dan


      From experience I know Vaporeon is a top contending Pokemon at least for attacking gyms maybe not defending. Vaporeon is quick and generally has a solid moveset. None of the other Eeveelutions dodge like Vaporeon.

  5. In the two days I've spent collecting some Pokemon, I've done more exercise than I have combined over the past year lol

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      I'm slightly concerned for your fitness.

    3. lilsilmarillion


      I play so much but I haven't caught any thing cool

    4. ShadowFiend216


      ^What level are you? The higher up you get the better stuff you'll find.

  6. Halo 5 Guardians' campaign was actual trash, it was more of an insult to the franchise and the community more than an actual campaign. The campaign was nothing like how 343i portrayed it to be with their extensive marketing that would've cost millions for Microsoft. Their initial teaser trailer at e3 in 2014 could've been for Halo 6 and we'd be none the wiser. The campaign was 4 pathetic hours long with a garbage and incredibly cliche story. There was no character development in the slightest. There was no reason to care for Linda, Kelly, Fred, Tanaka, Vale or Locke. Chief and Buck have had character told in multiple games, so are excused - but they got nothing in this campaign. Squad A.I. was trash which hurts the game since the entire game was based on squad mechanics. Halo 4's story was completely disconnected from Halo 5 Guardians' - Where did the Didact go? What happened to Earth after the Composing? Why is Cortana not dead? Reading a comic series should not be required to understand such basic questions for main titles of the series. Such a heavy contradiction to canon is not addressed. The Domain is a Precursor technology - how is ANY of the Precursor technology still existing since the books which ARE canon explicitly stated that ALL Precursor technology was wiped out after the activation of the Halo rings. The ending ended as abruptly, if not more-so than Halo 2 did. Pretty big blunder. Everything that happened on Sanghelios was just fanservice and provided no meaningful progression to the story that was presented - same applies to the return of the Arbiter. All of those points are self explanatory with their solutions. We'll never know how anything in the campaign got past the first producer without being sent back to the drawing board.
  7. Two Killionaires in a day? oh my

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guts


      Infection pleb

    3. Azaxx


      Videos are on my xbox profile. They don't link well on a status update.

    4. GermanShepherdD


      more like two per game ;p

  8. Well, Infection is Trash. Heavily one sided towards the survivors. At least the maps look cool

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Delpen9
    3. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Power weapons needs to go.



      AZAXX <3

    4. Azaxx


      Yeah, power weapons ruin it. The Alpha Zombies are pretty balanced though

  9. First time since around December that I logged onto H5G. Kinda sucks that I've lost almost all of the skill I once had. rip career

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Azaxx


      Infact, I actually turned into literal Doritos and Mt Dew. It was quite the ordeal.

    3. Unease Peanut
    4. Azaxx
  10. Overwatch was pretty fun, Mercy

    1. Melody


      Welcome to the party love XD

    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      *Bastion beeping*

    3. Ardent Prayer
  11. Seriously a 4 hour campaign that wasn't well made. Awful character development. Hunt the Truth advertisements having nothing to do with the actual story. Lack of memorable characters. Lack of memorable multiplayer maps at launch. Bad Forge maps used in DLC map packs. Lack of varied gametypes in Matchmaking. Fundamental spawn faults. Horrid textures in every portion of the game. Game built upon the idea of 60fps and no Splitscreen or LAN. Forge coming out over a month after launch. Forge not having a tutorial despite it being completely different to the prior iterations of Forge. The game literally requires XBL Gold to play. Horrible 'reward' system. Also it's the worst selling main title Halo game in the franchise, evidently a failure. It hasn't even sold half of what Halo 4 did. Those are the main points, but I could go on with other minor issues.
  12. The campaign to be well told in both the story and how the gameplay explains the game itself in a long and extended campaign. Halo 2 and ODST did well on this, having some of the best campaigns in the series. When you think about it, Halo 2 was the first campaign to allow you to switch characters to explain different sides of the story. In doing so, it gave both main characters a lengthy amount of time to give a depth of character to both. Granted Chief at the time had jack all to his character, but his role in his fight against the Covenant and later the Flood was explored in a 'final stand' sense. The Arbiter on the other hand was given backstory before the gameplay even started and showed a large change in character as the campaign progressed. ODST was similar in the sense that the characters were given their own short stories, with Rookie searching in a dark, desolate and quiet metropolis. The detective style of gameplay obviously isn't everyone's favourite way to play a game, but it's undeniable that way it was presented allowed the pretty poor story in ODST to seem so much better just by playing in such an unusual style. Halo 5 Guardians failed in the style that Halo 2 conquered, the story is left up for debate for who likes it. However it's excusable on how short it was, the story given was presented in such a lazy way with missions that if removed from the game would've left very little difference to the campaign. The first two missions in particular, if those were removed it would've had absolutely no impact on the game at all. Dr Halsey has no impact on the story in any regard other than confirming what Lasky already knew, Chief is chasing after Cortana. Argent Moon also has zero impact on the story, that Covenant fleet had no backstory in any official material 343i has stamped nor was given any mention thereafter in the game. Blue Team could've easily had a mission that had any relevance to the story other than "I'm defying your order, AWOL now". Additionally the entire story arc on Sanghelios was completely pointless, the only reason you played on that game was because it was fanservice from 343i just to get you on a Guardian after spending missions doing crap all. Kraken fight? What's the point of it, you're given no information to what it is doing on the planet nor what relevance it has with a Covenant assault force. That entire arc could've been scrapped for story that was related entirely to the Guardians, which is the title of the game, not Halo 5 Sanghelios, which albeit sounds pretty fun. Moving on from the actual missions that are 'related' to the main story, the gameplay was atrocious. When you meet and fight the Warden for the first, maybe even the second time, there is a sense of "wow, now this is a boss that seems cool for Halo". Actually having a mechanic on how to kill him is rather different to how we've fought previously in Halo and ties in well with the new mechanics for Prometheans. Then you meet him for the third time, then the fourth, oh boy here we go, then the fifth, then the sixth. What on Earth was 343i thinking? Answer, they weren't. The pathetic excuse of "He has a single mind but a million bodies" was such a lazy way to excuse the fact that 343i could not think of varied combat environments without having to resort to the wave after wave of Promethean forces. When thinking back on it, the only fun missions in H5G were the ones that didn't even have Prometheans, because the combat was actually different and fun due to the way the Covenant work. I thought Halo 4 was boring in how the Prometheans were handled in a rinse and repeat environment, but at least it had one fun mission being in the Broadsword. H5G's was just laziness and uninspired environments that seemed to be copy pasted everywhere in terms of gameplay design. Then you have the characters, Blue Team was completely and utterly wasted. One of the favourite set of characters in the extended universe put into the game, for what? To stand there for a few missions with zero impact on both the story and Chief's character? They had no character development and explained nothing about them while out of combat. For me the only purpose that they served was for getting Linda's Sniper Rifle. Speaking of teams, Osiris was a disgrace. You play through 12 missions with them for you to only get a backstory on each character in the final mission from Cortana going through the Service Records. I'm sorry, but that is not how you explain backstory on any main character regardless of their importance to the story. When you introduce a character, you introduce, the character. They were empty shells (other than Buck) for 93.3% of the game, then to have their Service Records just read to them as a last ditch effort to explain who they were. It's like 343i completely forgot that they didn't explain who anyone was and had to find a crappy way to give any ray of light on a character by that point. Hell, even the corrupting AI on a colony world had more backstory and character than 6 of the 8 main characters did for the entire game. Buck and Chief were the only characters that had anything known about them from playing the games from Halo. Buck had been in 2 previous games and Chief obviously being in every main title. Everyone else, whelp you're not getting any backstory about them from playing games alone. I could go into depth about how poor the basic functions of multiplayer are, or the 'reward' system works, or even how you literally need XBL gold to play solo Custom games. Such poor decisions by 343i have negatively impacted the most fundamental qualities of Halo in such a heavy degree that if you compare H5G to any other Halo game, they feel nothing alike. That being said the actual gameplay for H5G feels similar to the original 3, but that's it. The maps are poor, the lighting isn't good and the hit detection is not on par with what Halo should be by now. These issues are incredibly easily fixed though, just look at the original trilogy maps and see what made them great. Look at Halo 3 and see how well lit everything is. If you're going to decrease aim assist, actually ensure that you're rewarded when you do hit shots then. These issues are so much easier to fix compared to the issues of the campaign listed above. The only way I can see 343i fixing the campaign is by replacing staff that worked on it. They failed two main series titles in a row, they showed what their best is and it's clearly subpar for what Halo should be expected of by now. Halo's campaign should be grand in scale and indepth with story, and Halo 4 failed on the scale and H5G failed in the story, if things remain the same, Halo 6 will fail in both.
  13. Star Wars VII is probably equal 3rd best in the franchise imo

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      I'd argue either fourth or fifth. But definitely not third.

    2. Azaxx


      In my order; IV > V > VII = III > VI > almighty powergap > I = II

    3. Azaxx


      Nothing will ever beat the first film though, that was a next to perfect movie.

  14. Anime (Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell) 2-4 player chess varient D&D 5th PHB Money Little other presents Crap tonne of candy which I can't eat. Why parents, why would you forsake me like this.
  15. This story is a bit of a catch 22. For years Halo players in vast numbers had been calling for a better visual appearance, what we know to be standard on PC, this is 60fps at 1080p. While splitscreen is fun, it is visually taxing on the engine that runs the game to a point where it is blatantly visible to how bad the refresh rate gets. To counter this 343i designed a clever system to preserve 60fps at all costs, even if that reduced sprite animation refresh rate, texture quality and splitscreen itself. On consoles, you just cannot have 60fps and splitscreen, it's one or the other. And in this modern era of competitive gaming, as much as people don't like it, frame rate is objectively more important than splitscreen.
  16. After reading this multiple times, none of that makes any sense to me lol
  17. Yes, but after some delving, it was found that only 1.3M (iirc) units were sold. That's down 6 million from Halo 4.
  18. You might want to read the fine print, Xbox One sales were included with that statistic. Halo 5 Guardians is the worst selling main series Halo title. Only around 1 million copies were actually sold.
  19. You don't need to go staring at walls, because it's so blatantly obvious at any angle on how bad it looks.
  20. I can compete with pro players, that's not a factor, trust me. Anyone who thinks that armour makes a difference in a gun fight is just flat out wrong with no real experience, and that's not being bias either, it literally makes no difference to skill. If you blame armour on making a difference to gameplay, then you lack skill to backup your game. SWAT - no shields/radar, first to 50 wins. Slayer - shields/radar/weapon pickup, first to 50 wins. Sorry, but they're the same game in terms of mechanics and objective gameplay. You can win SWAT and regular Slayer with the exact same play style, you cannot do that with something like CTF which is a completely different beast. Games do not recognise where a grenade is for spawn points, bad spawns are defined by how they place you in comparison to other people and the maps geometry. Not from someone through a grenade or fired a rocket. That's called spawn controlling, and is a completely different scenario. Evidently not, you don't understand anything on how H5G was sold. It's the worst selling game in the franchise. That was the whole point to the argument, no one cares if 343i got money or not, it's about the amount. Their "profit" was very low in comparison to any other Halo game sold, especially seeing as this is the first standalone game on the Xbox One.
  21. Because the REQ system can only affect one playlist, that is not overall content, infact it's more like an add-on to the game in the first place. Team Slayer and Slayer are the same thing, one just has the other gametypes included in it, you're splitting hairs there. SWAT is also practically identical to Slayer, name one mechanic that is different between them two. And no, lack of shields is not a mechanic, so you cannot name a thing. Halo CE's spawns were also vastly superior to Halo 5 Guardians', in H5G you will spawn directly infront of an enemy, constantly. In Halo CE it was just considered bad luck that happened time to time. Additionally Halo CE is taken with a grain of salt, the coding was new and didn't have much testing, H5G did thus is worse due to the huge amount of failed testing involved. 400 million is not the profit from Halo 5 Guardians, did you even read what I said?
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