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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. Email; [email protected] Twitter for official; BSAngel Website; Halowaypoint.com
  2. Luvdisc Luvdisc Luvdisc Luvdisc Luvdisc Luvdisc Luvdisc Luvdisc Luvdisc Luvdisc
  3. So after breeding 70 Ralts, I finally got the one I was looking for. Now for 5 other pokemon.... ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pbrabbit


      Ev and Iv training. Don't you love it?


    3. Azaxx
    4. Snipe MD

      Snipe MD


  4. Staff Response If flaming continues in this thread, the thread will be locked.
  5. Staff Response If flaming continues in this thread, the thread will be locked.
  6. I've added all those who have stated they've added me.
  7. I somewhat agree with both takes, since the Japanese are the anime masters I take their word seriously, but some shows like RWBY I can never classify as an anime. Shows like Avatar I deem anime because of a few things, the animation, the sounds and the story. All of which are very similar to anime made in Japan and the themes are consistent. Shows like RWBY don't have much similarities except the slight art connections, even then it's very different to the norm.
  8. According to Japanese animators, anything that is animated is anime. Regardless of country of origin.
  9. Election thread was locked under your request. Awaiting your announcement of the situation

  10. Love the animation testing, will keep an eye on this and see how it rolls out. Good luck with it!
  11. Staff Response If flaming continues, this thread will be locked.If insulting of moderators continues from OP, OP won't like the results.
  12. The BR and Magnum were the original SWAT weapons, there is no chance they're being removed. The BR and DMR are there to offer choice to the players in different maps. For example, the BR wins in a map like Haven, but the DMR wins in a map like Complex. The Magnum is useless in maps like Complex but dominates in Adrift. There is a level of skill in knowing which weapons to pick in which maps. Even then, many people can outplay anyone no matter what weapon you or the enemy has, that defines the skill.
  13. Keep on calling Microsoft, and post it on their official forums. That's as far as I think you can go regarding reporting online.
  14. Love how you included me in that thread, yet I'm not going for president again. My reputation lives on even though I'm in the shadows, this pleases me.
  15. Well done on achieving this honour Omega, and a nice write up you have for your MoM thread too~.
  16. Welcome to the team yellow ninja ball.
  17. Vitamin, you have my vote.
  18. Big thanks to Vitamin, love my avatar now!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vitamin Pwn
    3. The Stig

      The Stig

      Lookin good there Azaxx! Awesome job Vitamin!

    4. Is not JL

      Is not JL

      dem gif. Look cool, I guess.

  19. 3DS with Pokemon, any Zelda game, Super smash Bro is coming out soon, Bravely Default and the Classic Mario games. That's what I'd pick.
  20. Do what I do. Don't even listen to anyone, and don't communicate with anyone yourself either.
  21. Offsite links with advertising is not allowed sorry.
  22. I don't have a specific answer, but PM Shep. He can definitely help with this.
  23. When I find my code, I'll put it here. 2363-5987-5757 inb4 a million friend requests Also pinned thread.
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