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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. Just a simple thread here, started by pure curiosity. So as the thread title states; post your desktop wallpaper and why you have it as your background. Mine reason is plain and simple, I love the anime Monogatari and split the image across both of my monitors.
  2. I for one am not writing up a 3 year milestone thread lol, I don't have the insane amount of patience like the almighty Drizzy_Dan. However, if Drizzy_Dan were to write up these for others, he could get a lot more likes... !
  3. First, Second and Forth levels of the Impossible Game completed. Just gotta complete the Third and I can forget about this game forever!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ranger Intel
    3. Akali


      hate to brag but i got to level 16 with no deaths then i hit a spot in that game and i kept dieing over and over again in the same spot and i just gave up on it

    4. Azaxx


      There are only 4 levels lol. You must be thinking of a different game

  4. You should do this, for like, every star of the forums. So you have the interviews and then the major milestones. Not like it's much work or anything.. In serious, well done on your 2 year achievement mate
  5. It's not like I'm bias or anything, but this is probably the best Wrapup made and forever will be made.
  6. Azaxx


    Welcome back to the site Doc, glad to see you're back and lively!
  7. When playing any gametype in Halo 4, and same goes for Reach. There's a chance that DLC maps will come up in the voting just before the game. They will ONLY appear if ALL players connected have the maps, if at least one player does not, then the maps will not come up to be voted for. So, it's a game of chance, even if all players have the maps, it may not appear as a voting option.
  8. No, because I don't do tasks to impress others, I do it to please myself. I couldn't care less if people were happy or not about what I did.
  9. When making a thread, provide more content than just a link.
  10. Please do not revive threads that have been inactive for this long.
  11. You should really update the member ranks of those on your About Me.

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Yeah. Thanks for reminding me.

  12. Happy Birthday~

  13. My best friend, who's on the site "Xander3838" (except he doesn't come online) is definitely who I love playing any game with the most. We tend to create fun out of nothing and our sense of humour and game selection aids that with our friendship. Not just for Halo: Reach, but other games especially like Minecraft, Payday2 and Planetside2.
  14. Cowbell. The campaign is really good, but what it needs is some damn more cowbell!
  15. Staff Response Too all members, get the thread back on track to what the OP posed as discussion, if that cannot be achieved the thread will be locked.If flaming continues from any member, penalties may occur.
  16. Just got my Course offer from a Uni, first pick too!

    1. Onsokumaru


      Congrats Friend!!! :D

    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      nice! congrats Az

    3. Spyro


      Awe, our little Azaxx is going places. Oh god, I'm getting so emotional. You better still make time for all of us Azaxx! :')

  17. Wrong forum area, you might also wanna revise over the rules and see what is actually here.
  18. Fusion, much more powerful and superior source for energy. Do you enjoy anime?
  19. Congrats gents, great additions to the Staff Team. Hopefully you keep up your good work that got you into the job in the first place!
  20. Dammit, just when I made the decision to stop going and finding anime series to watch on the internet. My old downloads folder is full of other series!!! D:

    1. Spyro


      Karma for all the times you've purposely annoyed other members. :P

    2. Akali


      karma strikes again :o

    3. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      Members strike back !

  21. If it sells without the Kinect then the chances of me getting on goes up by a lot. I have no room for a Kinect in my space where I game, and my lack of want to spend $100 more for a part of a console that I'd never touch doesn't help me wanting the current console at $599 in Australia. The Kinect-less Xbox One would be the only reason for me to ever get the console.
  22. Referring to me? I am the Forum President after all.
  23. 32 down, 20 to go. When will the nightmare end.

    1. Akali


      the nightmare will end on number 53 ;) IT WILL NEVER END!!

    2. Is not JL
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