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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. This may just be a once off thing for me, since it's not exactly my type of thing to do reviews, but since I recently beat the game Pokemon Y and have had many other discussions with members on the forums, I thought I'd put a review on the game on 9 different criteria. Note this is all my experience with the franchise, so this may differ to anyone else who plays it, but should be similar with some who read. Note for spoilers, if you haven't played the game yet, and/or haven't completed up to the post-Champion stage, stop reading. This may contains spoilers that can be game changing. Story 5/5 One of the best stories out forward on the table, even if it isn't the best because Pokemon Diamond/Pearl took that spot, it certainly beats it in so many other areas. The TeamFlare business took a long time to pick up, I even thought it wouldn't be in the game since so much was focused on the Mega Evolutions, but it made its entry and stamped well. The morals and emotions created from this game were very different from the older games, something very new. Being able to create a thick emotion into each character is something I've only seen N from Pokemon White/2 and Black/2 accomplish at a moderate level, but this was taken to a whole new level. Each main character having their own moments expressing their feelings and thoughts to the player was something I wasn't expecting from a Pokemon game, but hope it returns in the future games if there may be any. The specific tasks that were on demand were an interesting addition and the ways of learning the game were done quite well. The scripted points of the game, such as meeting a Pidgey at the beginning immediately reminded me of Red/Blue/Yellow which was great since GameFreak went back that far. The Team Flare business and the story behind it all was very intriguing and fascinating to know the backstory behind everything and more. Even the end of the game showed more to me which shows the writers did a fantastic job. Region design 4/5 This region was unusual when I first observed it, I thought it was going to be a dramatic fail, how wrong I turned out to be. It was very original in design and works extremely well with the terrain features added. Every little detail was put in that someone would notice it and smile, even if it made no difference to the level. The Hometown is always one that must be done with absolute perfection, that gives the best first impression to the gamer, I was rather disappointed with Pokemon Diamond/Pearl's town, on the other hand Pokemon Heart/Gold and Soul/Silver were fantastic in how they introduced the player into a new location, and Y/X didn't fail. It was a simple and quick way of introducing the player into the world, and the town design was flawless. Seemed a little cramped, but after dancing around like one does when bored I found it much more enjoyable. The towns were carefully crafted to perfection, and the massive creation of Lumiose City was absolutely stunning, instantly became one of my favourite major locations of any Pokemon game. The variety in locations proved to be well done also, from a standard zubat cave to a spooky swamp, or from a windy desert to a hidden forest, it all seemed to fit in well and nothing seemed out of place on the map. New Pokemon/Evolutions 4/5 The 70 new Pokemon were well done, they weren't fantastic, but it wasn't anything like Pokemon White/Black's monstrosities. These had a lot of thought put into them, especially the Mega Evolutions, some seemed silly which is why it's 4/5, but regardless, it was a solid performance. Over the games, especially White/Black, good Pokemon designs have been hard to design, originality being a problem. With this, it was great, with the less amount of Pokemon to create, lack of originality wasn't a problem. Even with the standard caterpillar to butterfly or tiny bird to big bird, it was done well. Some were pretty dull like a few Fairy type creatures, but seeing as it is a new type, I forgave that. Some were pretty awesome too, like the Chestnaught, the final form of the grass starter, Chespin. The lack of new Legendaries I thought was a good idea, with only 3 new ones in the game, it was much easier to create a decent few that were vastly different from previous games. A Fairy deer, a giant Dark bird and a Ground alien beast all seemed to fit in well with the story. With the addition of the bird trio from Gen I and Mewtwo with his MegaEvolutions, it was good that they didn't go over the top like in Gen IV and V. Initiatives 5/5 This game defined initiative for the Pokemon franchise, Mega Evolutions for a start is such a massive part of this game and they work so well, having to pick the one Pokemon who gets the power boost each match can be tough even. The Roller Skates also were such a clever design, I prefer them over running shoes AND the bike. Finally a major game changer was the character customisation, it was good that you couldn't radically change your character, but small hair details or eye changes with the ability to change your clothes was such a great idea. Mega Evolution was a brilliant inclusion, even though it is limited for a selected bunch of Pokemon in a variety of types, it's still quite useful. I found it most effective with Lucario and Aura Sphere seeing as I annihilated every Pokemon I used it against in the Elite 4/Champion. Though some designs look ridiculous like Mewtwo, others look amazing like Charizard. The Roller Skates were a lovely little inclusion, the attention to detail was amazing also. Being able to slightly touch the circle pad and make a slow movement that changes animation from the full speed and normal speed was an awesome feature. Music/Sounds 5/5 Just about perfect, that's all that needs to be said. The music has so much emotion in this, the excitement of a rival battle to the challenge of Team Flare, the happiness from Serena/Calem's theme to the terror of the champions theme were all great, nothing was bad. The Pokemon cries were so much better, even Pikachu I loved with his traditional anime cry, too bad this couldn't be carried over to every Pokemon. But one is still more than none which every other game had. The difference sort of styles that the music had was incredible. From a fun rival theme to a hard Team Flare boss theme always proves to be energising. The Legendary music for Yveltal (Pokemon Y mascot) wasn't that memorable, however was fitting for the moment. The end game music also had a fitting aspect for the 3000yo King who just reunited with his long lost loved Pokemon. My favourite theme I found was the Serena/Calem's theme, which played a couple of times in the game, been listening to it when I've been writing this actually. The Pokemon battle cries and fainting cries were very impressive I thought, more realism was focused in this game, well as much realism as one can make for a fantasy world. The quality of the voices is swell, and utilised the engine of the 3DS quite well. Graphical layout 5/5 Absolutely stunning, the beautiful battle animations were perfect and even the small details like blinking made this game so special. GameFreak clearly put everything they had into this game, and their artists do need more credit, it was fantastic what they achieved here. The battle animations with full 3D models of each Pokemon suits this game like I didn't believe, the rapid movements of each character Pokemon and Human alike makes it a much better experience than previous games, small details in everything is a comment theme of this game, down to the tiniest movement. The attacks are very vibrant in both colours and animation, making for very interesting games. Along with that, the environment also has obviously had massive treatment to it, each location having small things to it added to make it unique from previous generation game locations such as a bug forest which makes an appearance each game. Characters 5/5 Perfect, the characters were nothing less. The 4 companions you have with the one main rival were created so well, the two guys weren't exactly non forgettable, but offered humour from their remarks. While the two girls (or one girl and boy if you chose female character) were quite detailed and expressed well, the emotion shown from them was clear as daylight. Az was an unusual character expressed well at the end and Team Flare's boss was a great character, even the professor was good. Starting with the 4 young teens who start with you in the group of 5. Trevor and Tierno weren't that interesting I found, I kinda hated Trevor a bit, until the end, as for Tierno, I had no idea what he was smoking. Selena and Shauna were my two favourite characters out of the whole game, they made the group of 5 kids a diverse ones. One being a strong willed rival who was very determined and the other being scared way too easily but offered an emotional characteristic which was a pleasant change. Az, the mysterious giant who turned out to be an ancient king at the end, and ancestor to the Team Flare's leader was a heartless sod when going through the game, I thought that they could've made this character a lot better, boy did they prove me wrong. Although he had little screen time, he was proven to have changed his way of a cruel king to someone who deeply cared for others. I was also surprised at the amount of action Professor Sycamore had in the game, though it barely changed him as a character, it was good seeing such an important non-playable character share time in the game with you. Post game 4/5 The post game was rather good, new areas unlocked, a few decent legendary Pokemon and a whole new little city. Though it may not seem much, it never really is. However, as always with the NationalDex being unlocked, the task of catching them all really starts again. I can't get much into detail with this, as I've just been slightly introduced into this part of the game, and with the possibility of DLC being added later in the game, ie. extra legendary pokemon, it's unclear what I'm yet to uncover. However from what I've found, it's a decent expansion on the game, which I greatly enjoy. User interface 4/5 Almost everything was well done, the one major let down for this new user face was the bag system, it was too clogged up and messy and takes a long time to find something as simple as a repel. Apart from that, menus are easily accessible and it doesn't take long to do tasks you wish to do. Conclusion Finishing, this game exceeded my expectations by a long shot, in didn't think this would do better than Gen V, but it smashed that. And rivals my favourite generation being Gen IV, it just depends what secrets I uncover in the months to follow that I play this game. I strongly recommend this to any gamer with a 2/3DS, preferably the 3DS as it makes the best of what this game offers. Pokemon fan or just wanting a fun time, this game definitely offers a lot. Final total score of the game. 41/45 - A+
  2. One thing Pokemon Y did better than the previous games was how emotional it's music can be. Must stop man tears ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azaxx


      I finished the main game.

      9/10 at the very minimum, could be a perfect way to end the franchise if they wanted to.

    3. Spyro


      They should stop adding pokemon, but make more regions to mix and match the generations. Try to bridge the gap between generation lovers. :P


    4. Buns


      Um what do you Spyro? Do you mean on a map? We already know were all the regions are in terms of location. And yes Pokemon X/Y is my favorite game of the series. The 3d models seem so natural in a handheld title.

  3. Got Pokemon Y :D

    1. Sadly Just AL
    2. Azaxx


      My second favourite of the entire franchise.

      Not even close to Diamond though, my favourite.

  4. Ha! Finally made my 3 super Tyranid units :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azaxx


      Agonia, Examina and Territi are ready to take everyone on.

    3. GryffinGuy007
    4. GryffinGuy007


      OH WAIT! I think I know what you're talking about! YUSSHH!

  5. Completely baffled by everyone, not surprising I guess.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Baffled. Why? What has baffled you?

    3. Azaxx


      One thing. Won't share that though, just in case.

    4. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      Okay. I prefer Bamboozled, by the way.

  6. Congrats in Dedicated Quilts :)

  7. lol you all made a big mistake making me have power
  8. It's your last chance to vote for Azaxx. a vote for Azaxx is a vote for your safety. http://343i.org/1cu

    1. Azaxx


      If you are wanting to speak the sounds, I believe it is 'tate'.

    2. Spyro


      Yes, actually. It is.

  9. BF4 beta for PC is amazing

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      4 days and I've tried all the tricks in the books. Some people just weren't mean't to play it. Azaxx, you must C4 the scrubs for me.

    3. Azaxx


      Rockets and sniper!

      And lifts!

    4. Buns


      The 360 verison runs really smooth I can't believe it's at 30 FPS.

  10. Click on profile at top right of screen >My settings >Edit my About Me page >Finish & Save >Save Changes Done.jpeg
  11. wat wat wat wat wat happened with your profile pic? lawl

  12. Vote for Azaxx, a vote for for Azaxx is a vote for destiny.

    1. EliteSniper


      So, if I vote you, you'll give me a free copy of Destiny? :D

    2. Frankenzer


      Vote for Azaxx NOW!!

    3. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      I see no Destiny, only failure.

  13. Name: Azaxx/[REDACTED] Bio: 18yo living in the South Eastern part of Victoria/Australia, in the outer suburbs of Melbourne. I practically say inside most of my time, only time I go outside is either to attend to my dogs or go to the car to travel to places, doesn't bother me though, I prefer isolation many of the times. Currently in Year 12 studying Specialist Maths (hardest in state), Mathematics Methods (2nd hardest), Physics and standard English, in which will end soon since my final ever school day is November 13. I do little with my spare time, I usually do the same activities if you'd call them that over and over again each day. Though have hobbies that I would want to pick up again such as Spray Art, drawing, playing the piano, playing games which I must say the ones I play I'm the best among my friendship group (no bragging intended). I genuinely hate any form of exercise and don't participate in any form of activity, although that being said, by body is quite healthy inside and I'm not suffering from anything that would be created by lack of exercise, although I have many medical problems, oh wells. Likes: PC gaming, Skyping friends, D&D, art, music, isolation and being on here most of the day. Dislikes: Sport, reading, poor winners and losers, whiners and invasive people. 2 words that best describes me: Calm Pessimist Goals: Never had one, never want one and never will make one. I take life as it goes. [Over time I'll add more to this, depending on what others add to theirs.]
  14. Long sword, Sabre, or Marathon class, who should I pick. I'd have to go with the Sabre, that beast was amazing in the Long Night of Solace "I don't know, the nearest nonexistent launch site in the nonexistent Sabre Program, dismissed by three administrations as preposterous rumor"
  15. Guess what I found. :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zelda


      Well, either case, send me a friend code on it. And I will check it tomorrow. :)

    3. Azaxx


      Nah, it was in my room.

      Though I won't be playing it until my exams finish, don't wanna stuff these up.

    4. Zelda


      ok. :) Just let me know when. :)

  16. Join me, and together we can let greatness happen. Also lol at the unit of measurement in this link. http://343i.org/1cm

  17. Ok, let's get to the point shall we you inferior bunch. I'm not gonna waste my time making it dramatic like the other candidates, even though they're gonna lose I lack the knowledge to why they bothered in the first place. I don't really mind about wasting your time making you read this piece of art amazingness no... crap, yup that fits it perfectly. Ok right, well, as the smarter individuals of your pathetic human race know, I was nominated once again (seriously, how many times have I pulled out at the last moment?), it's kinda become a sort of brainwashed tradition. Whoever started it without my knowledge, I applaud you. *clap* To the less beings, the statement above in short terms means I'm going for the Dictatorship Presidency of the Forums. If you can't understand that for the lack of brain power. I'm going to win is all you need to know. Since the birth of time it was known that I would claim this day as my own, a day of a new dawn, a new darkness and a new terror joyfulness and bliss. You can see the proof below if you don't believe me, which would be a foolish mistake of you since I am just never wrong, I am always correct, I just choose to bend it a little. From that day onwards the Grand Matriarchs lived in awaiting, praying that the day of hope would come soon as the darkness was slowly making a return to the known world. That darkness being any other candidate voted into position. On 9/10/1995 a child was born and raised in a household of beings called humanity, these creatures took care of this blessed soul, they did not realise his potential was so great and halted his greatness in so many areas it was disgraceful,. but then, they came to the realisation that when he started to achieve greatness in his life such as the Great Journey to the Realm of Outside, the Search for the long lost Model Train, the suffering endured due to the Great Tree fall and the Inner self discovery of the love for massively ring shaped super weapons. These achievements were seen as triumphs for all of mankind, and he was revered from then on. However, his greatness came at a terrible price as when he found himself alone in his room on a powerful invention called the Great Computer of Power. This beast with an Intel Pentium core processor allowed him to travel the Sea of Bytes & Bits to the Land of Google. Eventually his great journey ended him up in the place of 343i.org. This discovery made him feel at home, his presence shocked thousands around him, no one had heard of his whereabouts for such a long time that he had turn back into a being of legend. His quick revival allowed him to seek the status of MoM in such short time, his greatness was viewed by all, which allowed him later in his life to take on the Continent of Facebook adminship. He settled down later to let others take over such great challenges, none which would ever be as momentous as his history. He then started to drain away his eternal life on the site, reporting, gaining oh so many sweet awards, and that unreachable 148000+ shouts, to which this day has passed over 151000 shouts. Obtaining Twam's rare slice of pizza without even being a moderator. Gaining the greatest amount of profile views the site has ever laid its puny eyes upon. His incredible quality of posts was admired by all, every, single, last, one of them. All of those 1000 or so Offbeat posts were totally legit and good alright? Kthx He then started to lead a peaceful life that reached over 200 days on the site, that was the light touched the shadow. A new dawn became apparent, the Title of Forum Ruler shall be his. He silently left subtle messages into peoples minds knowing one day that it'll come to great use when needed. He then started to prepare for the Great Election which he is destined to win, it cannot change, it is a fixed point in history that can never be undone. So just give up already other candidates. He promised 3 things from the birth of time itself; 1. Free rashers of Bacon to those who vote and continue to support his almighty greatness. 2. Freedom from the Grandmapocalypse, the nightmare that lurks under our feet, in which the other candidates have no hope in challenging. Which is shown below of their horror. 3. Total control over the inferiors, controlling those weak enough to look after themselves and also controlling those who think they can look after themselves. This is the day of change my friends subjects. It is a new era, an era of pain, suffering and control. You will not be in 'happiness' under the leadership of others, you only hope is to follow the cat of truth and see that I am your true savoir.
  18. Wonder who talked you slightly into that I have the same case, and similar sort of specs that you require. I'll help you if needed, send me a PM and I'll see what I can advise.
  19. Let's get to it, long time since I've done one of these sorts of replies. Taking Cover - To be honest this doesn't suit Halo, however, it can be implemented extremely well if done in one way I view and done correctly. The way I see it done well is if there is a total time of first person view, there is to be no 3rd person whatsoever. The user loses control of one arm to preserve momentum when needed. The users line of sight will also change, to the direction the head technically should be facing. Say for example, you were to squat down behind a small crate or something, one hand should be unusable since it's readying itself for a quick launch in any direction, the head should either be facing side ways or the opposite direction of your spartan to crate vector.I also think that there should be a time limit for this, since it can slow down game play quite a lot if someone with a Shotgun took cover behind a crate. Not a short time limit of like 5 seconds, but something reasonable to get the game flowing of 10-15 seconds. That way it can be fast paced and people have to use taking cover as a quick adapting strategy and not a camping tool. Invasion - I have never played Battle Field so I can't comment on the Squad comment, though that being said, Invasion was one of my favourite game types in Halo: Reach, let alone the entire series. It was such a different take on the normal slayer variants and posed a fun challenge with loads of vehicles, heavy weaponry and a target to obtain. With Halo 4's sort of gameplay being extremely fast and swift killing, it wouldn't fit that well in it, but if Halo 5 (or whatever the next major title is) were to slow down the pace a little to a Halo Reach style then I believe it could fit in well. Though I'd assume 343 Industries wouldn't want to make it a clone copy and would want to put their own spin on it. Iron Sights - This is the one point I completely and utterly disagree with, for a variety of reasons. A. Spartans are 'designed' to not need to use iron sights, as their MJOLNIR armour takes care of zooming with or without a scope on the weapon, so according to lore, there is no reason for it. B. It is completely un-Halo-like since every game has enforced the no need of it, it's always been at the hip or taking the weapon up to shoulders for zooming, no need to go in between. And C. lot of the unique balance would be gone, no need for skill from a long range. Weapons like the Assault Rifle require a huge amount of skill to kill across the map, by having iron sights it takes away a lot of the skill only a handful . Those are my opinions, point 2 about Invasion I wholeheartedly support, I'd love very much to see that game type return to the playlist for Matchmaking. Hope the reply makes good contribution to your thoughts~
  20. Ok seriously, it's been over a year and a half for you. What's your excuse for having no profile background!?

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      I don't do that. I stay unchanged.

    2. Azaxx
  21. Happy Birthday Biggles.

  22. Time to go on a massive spree and wipe a lot of old PM's off the table.

    1. Azaxx


      Or just give up when making folders and sorting them ^^;

    2. Ryu♥Hayabusa


      Yesh. You have too many to go through. XD

  23. How great, nearing the end of my final year, and I get laryngitis. That's gonna put a dent into studying.

  24. Well done on your 500 likes by the way :)

    1. Zelda


      lol. I barely noticed earlier. :)


      And thanks, Azy!

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