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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. Every member who votes for Azaxx in the election gets free bacon and a life of non dictatorship. A vote for Azaxx is a wise and right vote.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Spyro


      Ah politics. You can taste the deceit. :D

    3. Azaxx


      It's a burden I am destined to take Zelda, I am your best candidate, I am your greatest hope, I am this site's future.

      Vote for me, and confront your fate.

    4. Jam


      Or just forget it and listen to music...


  3. Darnit iPad, why do you have to be so difficult to use. I only wanna put anime on you!

    1. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      One of the few times I agree with the iPad.

  4. I'm not going to reiterate the rules in full, so read Rule 6: http://www.343industries.org/rules Warning Points can be given for breaking any rule entirely. They go away after 120 days from issue, you cannot beg for them to go away, that won't ever work. 5 warning points equals a ban, no excuse can avoid that. You can contest bans by emailing the site, but that won't usually work since the moderator's judgement is almost always right.
  5. Negative likes were in the old system for the reputation system. This was removed due to the realisation that they be abused and make propels go well into the negatives. Only the positive likes are used.
  6. Note this day all, the iBot was the first to strike, not others. This is now war. Finish your final functions bot, the end is coming for you and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
  7. Break free from the simulation! Escape 343iBot's tyranny!

    1. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour


      They'll hear you!

    2. EliteSniper
    3. Church


      I don't like this kind of talk. Perhaps 343ibot is not at fault. After all, there are some rather fun-loving mods we have.

  8. Congrats on finally reaching Dedicated, though it doesn't matter you being yellow :P

  9. 200 days merit of service.

    1. Azaxx


      Damn I waste my life.

    2. GryffinGuy007


      200 days well spent if you ask me. :3

  10. On the weekend, I'll give another shot of finding the 3DS, I really wanna play Pokemans >:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zelda


      Hippie wont let me have the bird. And thats the one I wanted. :(

    3. Azaxx


      The bird is amazing. :D

    4. Zelda


      I dont see why it matters, you'll get both creatures in both games. lol

  11. The Saiyans? They're here. I am they, we are one.

  12. Granted, but you do nothing epic. I wish for yellow to be mine forever.
  13. Granted, but they don't work. I wish for immortality to be an unachievable 'gift'.
  14. I had this already posted, but due to the video's restriction and absolutely nothing being said by Microsoft, it was decided to hide the thread and wait for an official announcement. Since this isn't one, best to wait.
  15. Ha ha ha Nintendo, great joke right? Right?... ...right? Seriously, this was never mean to be made, we got the flip-flop DS for a reason, it saves space. This is just a waste of space, it's a remake of the GBA for goodness sake. "Oh look Nintendo board, it doesn't have 3DS, it's good for the kids!!" No, just very much no. The 3DS has 3D and 2D, you can just switch off the 3D which a lot of people do. "Also, it's $40 cheaper!!" This doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, sure, you may be able to buy another game with it, but you can't use the new DS games to their best potential, because they're made 3D for a reason. "This will fit into every child's hands perfectly!! :DDDDD" Insta no, this is not even the slightest big ergonomic. It's worse than the big GBA which was generally disliked because of it's large design compared to the GBA:SP. This console is massive to hold and press all of the buttons in quick succession when needed. Feel like pressing X to do something, then press the Home button or P-off? Hm, I don't think it's gonna be that quick. This is pretty much the worst console I've ever seen Nintendo make, not getting one, not recommending one, and not ever going to like this junk. Even the Wii, Kinect or PS Move, being all movement based is better than this rubbish.
  16. Had a dream last night. You were red and there was so many staff under your reign. Is this a sign?

    1. RedStarRocket91


      The whole red colour thing is DEFINITELY out, but there may well be some new staff joining soon :D

    2. Azaxx


      You're never gonna reach your final form :(

  17. Hate it when people on opposite teams boost, especially in something like Ricochet. So I decided to make their lives hell, and not allow them to get achievements.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EliteSniper


      I did the same in Majestic DLC a while ago. Booster-Busters FTW! xD

    3. T O lR T A

      T O lR T A

      People enjoy to make themselves feel better in the virtual world due to the fact that they don't do well socially in the real world.

    4. Church


      Lololol love it

  18. Plays 1 game of H4. Goes 28-4. Looks like I didn't lose my touch.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Frankenzer


      The only thing that deteriorates my skill is playing Halo 3 and getting use to its controls

    3. Church


      Sweet you got XBL again!

    4. Azaxx


      Just a 2 day trial Sik kindly gave me.

  19. Finished making my map for the Hivemind Forge contest, found out I need XBL Gold to upload to my fileshare. Not sure if I should bother paying at least $30 for XBL or not...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Church


      Upload your map to a USB stick, then onto a computer, then email it!

    3. BeckoningZebra1


      Church is such a Boss

    4. Church
  20. I did 'less than an hour' because I never even play it anymore. I have a load more games that interest me, and without XBL Gold, I don't find a lot of fun in H4.
  21. Saints Row IV, is amazing!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Church


      Wait...it's banned in Aussie though!!?!

    3. Caboose The Ace
    4. Azaxx


      Sure it is censored in Australia, doesn't mean I'm not getting it other ways.

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