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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. Banning Tex because she doesn't have a signature already!
  2. 8.5 hours straight of Planetside 2 with a friend, such a long time since I've done that sort of thing before. ^^

    1. Minuette


      Same thing! Did you play on the Mattherson server?

    2. Azaxx


      Oceanic server.

  3. Getting music for your profile, since you're a moderator now?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azaxx


      Not even something awesome like.

      Pokemon theme? :3

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      I love the Pokémon theme but nah. Hey my computer autocorrected the accent in! NEW IE FTW. YES I USE IE

    4. Azaxx


      We are going to have a small chat and recovery program Drizzy.

      I need you to go onto IE, and download either Firefox or Chrome, install it. And remove IE from everywhere.

      This is a serious issue.

  4. Sir, So did you. And big congrats to you Drizzy_Dan, happy to see the wrap-up man become the mod wrap-up man. Now we need to interview you about your promotions.
  5. It's Drizzy's staff job to do this, it's appropriate for only him to complete this for the community each week. Making someone else do it when it's his role is pretty silly.
  6. Halo Series, did I really have to say that?
  7. It's just a placeholder name right now, that's exactly what BSAngel said, if you pay attention to two specific words in her tweet she said "right now". This obviously implies it's gonna be changed.
  8. Goodbye Tranquility, great fun having you on the site to talk to.
  9. Unless Halo 5 is some sort of absolute god game (which I can 100% promise right now it won't be) and it's other exclusives are beyond AAA in quality, it's not worth paying 500 in the US, or for me 600 in Aus to get a gaming console that isn't purely designed for gaming anymore.
  10. Not many will get the Xbox One due to the utter crap it has produced. Most will stay with the Xbox 360, get the PS4 or be with PC. Simple as that. And then you have the Wii U.
  11. Fruity Loops by FAR. It's easily the best music creating program that Windows offers. If you're actually serious about the hobby, crack it illegally. Or go buy it I recommend, the trial isn't much to work with and limits you in so many ways.
  12. Well done on becoming the Forum President according to Spyro :)

  13. Not at all. I just find it amusing to see me go up, and go out so no one can not vote for me!
  14. Can't go wrong with a mongoose, the loyal companion who'll never let you down.
  15. Azaxx


    Welcome to the site buddy, hope you'll enjoy your time here. The forum's members are generally pretty friendly
  16. Big thanks to Twam :)

  17. Azaxx


    As Goku once said: "Until we meet again you guys" But that guys being you.
  18. Azaxx


    Hey there mate, hope you're enjoying the site, good to see that you know how to spell right. And aren't lazy like the people who spell words without the 'u'.
  19. Wraith pressure glitch was quite interesting, thanks for showing that off Drizzy, along with your other content in the wrap-up also.
  20. If it lags, it's your internet or your CPU can't keep up for some bizarre reason.
  21. Which probably will never happen, because every country is terrified of it the consequences. To the OP. Yes the tech may be a bit old, but the Dep for Defense at the times put a lot of money into space exploration and eventually the Orion Program. Soon after everything going into just mass producing for the Covenant. So there wasn't a huge amount of opportunity to develop onto their weapons, from what we know from the Lore.
  22. Voice chat done can be done with Skype, which takes 2 seconds to set up for the PC.
  23. Big congrats to Zelda/Elfy. Becoming dedicated at last!

  24. You can't post in the shoutbox unless you have at least 5 posts in subforums excluding Offbeats and Introductions / Goodbyes. Welcome to the site anyways.
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