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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. I've talked to a moderator about this issue because from my knowledge I get it more frequently than you, and most others. It'll take time for the Admin, Twam, to resolve this issue. In the meantime private message a moderator this thread.
  2. Absolutely love the Titan Wallpaper. Great find Choot!
  3. Azaxx


    Welcome to the forums, have a fun time here. Glad you like pink, goes well with my favourite, which I hope you can tell :3
  4. Well done on 1000 posts :)

    1.  Twam


      I didn't even notice till now, Yay for me =]

    2. Azaxx


      And now you have a shiny award :)

  5. I see you finally got a member title.

    1. Show previous comments  27 more
    2. Azaxx


      I was made mod for 1 minute by Twam.

      I think I win :3

    3. RedStarRocket91


      Depends just how active that minute was, proportionally you might be the most-active! XD

    4. Azaxx


      oh yeah! Well, all of those secrets in the secret place..... weren't uncovered lol. I had hardly any time to stop being in awe over it

  6. "The advanced level of scientific knowledge." :3
  7. This reminds me of the vehicle in Halo Custom Edition (PC). Named the Bulldog, it has machine guns and rockets. If it were to be in the canon games, it would be amazing :3
  8. And....it's done.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fishy


      More likes. "He's back!!"

    3. DoctorB77


      Thank god. Pokemon > Ponies

    4. Spyro


      Welcome back lord Mudkip. *bow*

  9. I don't care if they're male or female. Just who they are as a person. I have found great male and female friends who I now and again play with, doesn't matter what gender, if they're a friend, they're a friend.
  10. I never do it, nor get it done unto me. But I don't have a problem with it at all.
  11. Got my new computer, man I'm so happy.

  12. Few things being sorted, then the past will return.

  13. Become a dedicated member, and you get that ability.
  14. Just passed 1/8th of the way, to 1'000'000 shouts. This is gonna take forever..

  15. Got over a 1000 likes. Thanks to Supreme Overlord

  16. This thread makes little sense because you haven't specified anything about the details of your question.
  17. Hillo Blaiden, not like I know of you or anything *cough* Anyways, welcome to the site, hope you have a fun time like someone else has
  18. It may be returning soon....

  19. Damn your cover pic on Facebook is amazing!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Azaxx


      Do it to this site, and make it your background pic. Screw with Twam :3

    3. Iɴsɪɢɴɪᴀ


      Lol, It wouldn't work without having a scrollable background on the profile.

    4. Azaxx


      Oh. Well uh. Do it anyways xD

  20. How???
  21. *waltzes in with name* No one can get with my superior name.
  22. Azaxx


    Hillo and welcome to the forums. Hope you have a fun time here. Need anything, just use the shoutbox
  23. Happy birthday Bagels!

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