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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. Welcome back person I totally have never met at all....ever
  2. Going down to an IT store tonight, hopefully I'll finally get parts for my PC to fix it :D

  3. Got it I hope! Pinkstar, expect a om from your favourite member
  4. Are the clues in future posts? Or do I have to do a horrible task of going weeks into past posts?
  5. Just found out my total average K/D ratio from all the Halo games I've played is 1.64. That's pretty decent if you ask me.

  6. Azaxx

    You Found The GSD

    Bark :3
  7. PC minecraft for controls and usage. Xbox for the crafting table. Best moment is making a massive train line world. So many rails :3 Have it on Xbox 360, iOS and PC. Love the game. Yellow wool. Dogs, because I make them have yellow collars and call them Richard :3
  8. Server maintenance. Won't be for too long I'd imagine.
  9. Why don't you have a custom member title?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Azaxx


      I'd like to say you haven't used correct grammar in two posts ago here. * lol.

    3. RedStarRocket91


      You see? Thanks to you, I'm already on the path to anarchy!

    4. Azaxx
  10. I think I am old and smart enough to know if that'll work. Having the balls to do it is an entire 'nother story.
  11. Just because it's quiet doesn't mean I'm not watching and waiting
  12. I like it how it is. That way I spam at night, and no one stops me :-)
  13. 1 And somehow I still dominate swat and every other gametype that requires fast reflex.
  14. Killcams are only in certain playlists. Classes, yes to actually make this Halo game different from the rest. SAW? Dunno what is bad about this weapon. Killstreaks don't exist, if you're referring to Ordnance drops, they're not based entirely on kills. Bungie didn't make them in charge. Microsoft did. The home screen is just fine, looks spacy which Halo 4 is about. Spartans look nothing like power rangers unlike you're making the colour bright yellow. The frame rate is alright for everyone I know. MLG didn't pick this because 343 didn't agree with their terms, so they went with Virgin. Nothing to do about the game being good or bad. It won't be, because Halo 3 is Halo 3. If you want to play previous titles, be my guest. But don't complain when the game has to evolve and not be stuck 5 years in the past.
  15. Happy Birthday from Australia :)

  16. Azaxx

    Camo Campers

    If you move place to place and snipe+camo. I still assume you're a noob right? And if you watch out for you team like I certainly do.
  17. Happy Birthday Elfy/Zelda! Have a fantastic day :D

    1. SykoWolf


      I already sent her a PM >:3 But yes happy Birthday Princess :3

  18. Azaxx

    Camo Campers

    And when they're constantly the best on the team for quite a decent amount of games? I think that opinion should change.
  19. Hahaha, very nice observation. And welcome back soon to be Mrs. Pixie, we missed you.
  20. Step one: gather bacon and break recourses. Step two: put bacon in bread. Step three: realise that the bread is ruining perfection, so throw it away. Step four: eat bacon. You have now finished eating your bacon sammich.
  21. Azaxx

    Camo Campers

    I ALWAYS use camo when sniping. In fact that's about the only use I make of it along with using the DMR with it. I think it's a perfectly valid tactic, since it's easy to counter. This "glitch" you say you've encountered is probably lag, as I've never had this experience. I say that because I encounter camo and use it a lot. It is ironic that you complain about the sniping person when you yourself admitted to hogging rockets in a CQC base in dominion. Since you have basically unlimited power in there unless you were fuel-rodded. Saying that though, I can feel for you against people with camo+shotty weapons. They get annoying quickly. But skill+patience really takes care of them.
  22. I'm not into V-Day whatsoever. But I gotta admit, that pic is so sweet lol
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