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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. Sad to see such a good member like yourself go. A good member all round, and a great friend. Good luck with all challenges that come your way away from here.
  2. Just became the 3rd person on the site to hit 100 days. I can say I have no life now.

  3. After nearly 5 months. I have 100% fixed my computer. Main problem. A crap load of dust. And I don't mean just a normal a lot. .5cm of dust covering the fan filters at least. And that was just one area.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      Just spray dat off wit da hose t-boy! :)

    3. SykoWolf
    4. EliteSniper


      *COUGH* *COUGH*

      That's a lot of dust! *COUGH*

  4. 3rd day into my final year of school. All seems on track. Much unlike last year.

    1. SykoWolf


      Good job Bro :3

    2. Ash


      Hope you have an amazing year <3

  5. I'll vote for Ashy. And want to opt out of the running lol. Too much work for a lazy one like me
  6. Well done Doc! Glad to see another great addition hit the rank of blue.
  7. Congrats Skummgummigubbe! Happy to see you wear your name in blue
  8. Exile, without a doubt in mind. Easily my 4th or 5th favourite map from the entire franchise.
  9. Congrats Redstar! Great member of the forum. Enjoy your month with many shou-.... posts
  10. Good to finally have Mr Grammar King get the MoM position. Love to read your indepth and interesting threads/replies on the forums, they're interesting, well structured and funny to observe you break someone else sometimes. Though with that said, I expected a lil' better Red. Because I do see some grammatical errors there Well done on MoM! Hope you love the month!
  11. Azaxx


    Welcome to the forums, even though I've greeted you in the shoutbox. Glad to see family members are being dragged into the divine heaven that this site offers
  12. There is a legendary ending for Halo 4....
  13. This user did this once before, and posted the EXACT same type of thread for mods to unban him. What he got from the moderators good decisions. Is what he deserves.
  14. Got ~60000 exp in 2 matches today. I am so proud.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azaxx


      A crap load of challenges and commendations plus the fast track added a little bonus that helped.

    3. SykoWolf
    4. PrometheanSigma
  15. Azaxx

    Happy Birthday from Australia :)

  16. I quoted myself since you completely ignored the post and a good reason why people don't play multiplayer. Ignorance on your part. If you don't know who they are, that's your problem, but seeming they're a big part of the community. It lends a good point to know that even well known people don't have things you do.
  17. I'm not joking. Even our Member of the Month doesn't have XBL and has never had it. So there, proof for you. And have this quote, this proves my point correct. And I talk to people. I'm not living under a rock getting no information from anyone. And since I've been on this forum far longer than you, I have gained enough knowledge from people I've talked to. You haven't.
  18. Wish I could play this ;_; http://343i.org/12o

    1. Ash


      Sounds beautiful <3

  19. It can mean they're just not interested. Doesn't mean it's bad, just means they're only interested in single player stuff.
  20. Yes, because they don't have XBL. That's why they don't touch it. Or they just aren't interested in it entirely. Nothing to do whether the multiplayer is good or not.
  21. There is a group of senior members who look at all members on the forum and choose the best 15 of the month. Staff and mods can be involved too.
  22. You helped this person in no way at all, if you can't think of a post to help. Don't post at all. Now to the OP, what I think your solution is, is to completely clean both discs. Uninstall any discs you have on your Xbox 360, and then reinstall. If that doesn't work, try going to the store where you bought it, or post on: halowaypoint.com
  23. Wrong on so many levels. I know that SO many players bought Halo 4 for the campaign alone, spartans ops and Forge. And don't even touch multiplayer. This forum is no cause for "falling apart", that is a load of nonsense. If you didn't realise those things until now, it's because you didn't have a solid opinion of your own, and you got swung pretty quickly. No one made you believe it. 343 need to know the faults of the games they make, just like every game developer, if they don't, how are they meant to make this "perfect" game you speak of? They can't. Why should we make a game to prove a point? We can understand how much work goes into making a game that took 4 years to build from nothing. Halo 4 does have a lot of highs, but it definitely has many faults. Anyone saying otherwise is lying to themselves, because it's fact, and needs to be addressed, just like what 343i is currently doing. Even Frank O'Connor said it himself. I have seen many people hate the game, and that hasn't swung me from saying Halo 4 is the best Halo made in many points, but saying the people who don't like it are the ONLY cause for it "falling apart" is such a bad argument. Because just like the developers, we are people too and have a right to express an opinion. Just like anyone in the world.
  24. Whatever gained me an advantage on everything and everything else. Be that light or dark I will not care.
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