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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. After for a few months of thinking I lost Skyrim on my PC I finally found it :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Caboose The Ace
    3. Admiral Ackbar

      Admiral Ackbar

      Glad you found it! But you should also invest time playing Oblivion!

    4. Azaxx


      Nah, Skyrim is master race

  2. No guys, Twam is my love! Stop taking my red man from me

  3. Never does Twam reply to my status. *forever unloved*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tommy
    3. Tommy


      Twam is getting social. o.o

    4. Azaxx


      Twam! :hug: I thought you would never reply!

  4. Well done on this honourable feat Syko. Well deserved right from the beginning. But might I add before we get cocky. Don't forget which place you are on the Aussie table
  5. I use DMR, BR and camo in my main loadout. Only one loadout has a boltshot and that's with a carbine and hard light shield...
  6. And I'm not letting him forget that
  7. 1.57 I think. With a 55-60% win ratio
  8. Super deserved mate, hope you enjoy the month!
  9. What a crap day to start the new year off with..

    1. A71william


      *Brohoof* I agree I now have to take my horrible sister to the train station and I'm very busy!

    2. Caboose The Ace
  10. Mine: live through another year
  11. From Australia, happy 2013 all!

  12. Love the new about me section :3

  13. Spartan laser, rockets, fuel rod, sniper, DMR, sticky grenades, stick detonator. Nuff said.
  14. I shouldn't even have to address this, but since we have newer members.. Use this colour and I will personally destroy you. :3 Good day all.
  15. No, why else do you think threads get locked in offbeat?
  16. Too offbeat: A completely pointless, stupid and pathetic thread. End of discussion.
  17. No, you lost. Why should you be rewarded for losing.
  18. I've been stuck on 4 for about 8 months or so. I tend not to worry about it.
  19. Do what you think is right, you'll still be remembered here
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