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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. Very sad to see yourself go. You were great friends and members of the forums. Hope you and Ahsoka are fine in the real world :hug:
  2. Actually the Tsar Bomba never looked anything like that, it was a extremely tall mushroom blob cloud that was blinding white. The Bomba was detonated in Russian territory. Cause from the looks of that. That ground is water xD
  3. Went 38-14 in a Infinity slayer match. How my team only won by 2 kills startles me.

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      ive won a domtion game by 2 seconds

    2. Fishy


      Well you see it's a thing called 'Retards' majority of people on Halo are them. Watch them play, running for the power vehicle across the map is never smart. You gotta progress your way there.

  4. Utter crap I have a family, nuff said.
  5. Because Bungie: "we no wanna make Halos" MS: "thats ok, end of contract, see'ya" Bungie: "k bro, bye" MS: "hmm, we need another compony to milk this franchise" MS: "haha! We'll make one with a cheesy name" MS: *hires people 'cross the globe* MS: "hm this is a good company, lets dump a huge amount of money" 343: "here you are, this is your game of the year" Nov 6- now. Me: "thank god Bungie left, thank you 343" Moral of the story, 343 > Bungie
  6. Pendulum - The Island Madeon Remix Then ever Album they've done.
  7. Um no. Its still today lmao :hug:
  8. Man, I don't even have to try anymore
  9. I think they all have their different needs so are somewhat incomparable. But that don't mean I don't think Active Camo is by far the best.
  10. tl;dr I hate this game, don't like 343 much. And it sucks My opinion, don't like it? Don't play it.
  11. My slayer KD is 1.54 While dominion and CTF are over 2.0
  12. 2.21 on Ragnarok 2.14 on exile 1.73 on Complex They're my top 3
  13. Dear Santa, I wish for some of these Ugg Boots, I hear many are talking about them these days ;)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Zelda


      Your gave is getting deeper, Azy. lmao

    3. Azaxx


      Maybe I'll be lucky and get two!

    4. Vaulting♥Frog
  14. Azaxx

    Halo 4 Sucks

    I listened and understood every one of your points, but as soon as you mentioned CoD. That was it.
  15. Welcome back Ahs. We missed you :hug:
  16. Thats fantastic news! Great to hear good stories like this. Hope they have a safe trip home.
  17. I wish for Brony's pink LED controllers. Oh, and if I can, that T-shirt sounds amazing so, two wishes
  18. Great job to yourself and Absolute Dog. I know I'm happy with the results. Enjoy the presents guys!
  19. Thank you Absolute Dog and Sykowolf for making this Christmas tree work fantastically!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      Worked REALLY well!! Def an annual event, lol! :)

    3. Harbinger


      Can't wait to be here for the next one. Good Job AD and Syko! :D

    4. Leonard L. Church

      Leonard L. Church

      They did an amazing job, especially over the Internet.

  20. If I may, I wish for the beautiful Halo 4 Venator Armor with Raptor Skin :3. AD/IMakeQuilts special quilt please. And if its still available, Insignia's art piece. I does love art. Hope this isn't too much to wish for
  21. Dubstep and rap are music. Rap is horrible in my opinion, but dubstep is good. They both have the essential elements of what makes music, music.
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