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Everything posted by Azaxx

  1. Just isn't some people's game, just as it isn't mine.
  2. No, it's never been like that. And shouldn't start now. People go 30-10 and don't want to be downgraded to 20. Same with people who go 5-20 they don't want insult to injury.
  3. It will be, since 343 made it have it's own script. It will come later, when more playlists are permanently in the game.
  4. Azaxx


    I liked them q.q All those commendations
  5. Hillo there. Seeing that you're enjoying the site. Hope you stay for long
  6. The maps aren't even released yet. You in a way, put it on preorder.
  7. when it's Dec 10 for Australia, do we get it. Or is it for American time?
  8. Dec 10 or 15 I think.
  9. Palmer. Or Glassman. Ones hot, and the other loves SCIENCE!
  10. Azaxx

    Little Late

    Welcome to the site.. Again lol And the intro is perfectly fine btw, good job
  11. SR-50! Time to not use my specialisation extras and just go with operator lol.

    1. SykoWolf


      Congrats buddy, took you long enough xD

    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      lol i did the same thing when i hit 50 a few days ago

  12. Got my report for the year at school last night. Don't even know how the teachers said anything nice in the comments...

    1. DoctorB77


      You are an evil child. It is impossible.

    2. SykoWolf
  13. Glad it's gone. I hated people screwing with the votes, makes you think wisely before going and committing.
  14. No, carbine would destroy EVERYONE who doesn't pick of because of its accuracy and high RoF.
  15. Congrats Brony! First person on our site to make this goal!
  16. SR-47 I rarely play
  17. Welcome back mate, hope you change that non existent picture of yours ;3
  18. This will increase spam, so I'm sorry, I'm voting no.
  19. A pony like Fluttershy being cute.
  20. Haha, I only read the first halfway lol.
  21. Trusted members are 200 posts, so you're a quarter of the way. But good job :3
  22. 22 is a nice looking colour and easy to read.
  23. Halo 4 should be loosely based of H3. But it needs to evolve. Sprint should've been in since Halo CE or 2. Loadouts? Is been 4 years since H3 and they're S4's, of course they're going to be better equipped. 1-50 rank system sucked so bad in H3 because you could easily boost with friends for a lot of the time. And even buy accounts. It proved little. People weren't expecting Halo 3, they were expecting Halo 4. If you want to play 3, go and play it instead. We don't need a remake with the title Halo4.
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