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Everything posted by saifa117

  1. not really sure, mabe armor abilities and maybe equipment
  2. glorious reflective blue and black
  3. yeah faster advantage, but what about the elites, skrimichers
  4. yeah the halo 2 version was better than both versions, but wont be included
  5. thanks for a pat on the back ,absolute dog and your idea is great about the odst machinga
  6. probably instead of draining your shield and health it also sacrifices movement
  7. but if you are playing a gametype that everyone is 1vs 1 that would be really useful
  8. remember it may not be true it is just a rumor
  9. saifa117

    Halo 4

    and we just had 187 posts yes we are still awsome i get it i get it
  10. saifa117

    Halo 4

    And now we are all brute minors
  11. they dont have to be 100 percent in the game maybe mostly cinerrio that do not come in contact with the players
  12. nice ideas but there was more interesting topics that already stated this not saying your ideas suck i was pritty much in the same situation that you are in when i first joined and about being a halo fan so they are great but i have seen better
  13. yes, wait, but I lost you at the odsts, please explain that a little more furthur
  14. also what i had in mind wait... but better
  15. In my opinion the skill system should be made at least 10 percent easier to achieve, and 50 percent harder to lose, like real life, if you are a higher rank you are more respected so less likely to lose a rank and the oppisite goes for a lower rank getting to a higher rank , but halo 3s system was too hard, but if this is applied there should be skill points until 75. ideas on this
  16. absolute dog, yes i cant find a quote, but you cant hold on to the idea of having no armor abilities yes they are annoying, yes they are nubeish, there even should be a classic playlist(posible), but you have to face it, it will or most likely will be included, if it is not horay for me and you
  17. yeah i also agree with the armor part mabe after sheilds are down 30 percent of the bullets deflect the armor while gernades I still think they should have the same damage
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