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Everything posted by saifa117

  1. saifa117

    Halo 4

    mabe an aliance against the percursors
  2. and another thing for sure is elites have to have evade or stealth
  3. by the way this is all eaiselly possible because bunjie always kept track of assists, assasinations, killing spree, ect
  4. That is exactly what I was thinking about the other day
  5. Thanks for the comments and yes there should be an off option
  6. I mean mabe less grenades because they are overpowered
  7. This idea is not great but i guess it would work
  8. yeah i remember that, but after cod it was kinda easy
  9. could you add me as your friend on xbox live, my gamer tag is saifa117
  10. I think it is a great idea but needs a faster way and a more less complicated way to do it nice, keep bringing the good ideas
  11. yes i hate waiting, but at the same time when the suprise comes it is mote enjoying
  12. If reading what you posted ever since you were on I knew you liked keeping every thing simple, but to satisfy everyone, or mostly everyone, then it has to get a little complicated
  13. yeah like a forruner scarab, that makes more sense than what I pictured
  14. If that is true than we will truely be getting new weponds and new vehicles for sure
  15. how bout something like a forruner ship, that has legs, yeah that would sound weird
  16. I am just stating ideas to make the game better and solve the solution for those people out there: Armor abillity haters Armor ability fans and those who are inbetween
  17. NEW IDEA SOMEBODY HAD AN EXCELLENT IDEA ON BUNJIE OF INSTEAD OF ARMOR ABILITIES OR ANOTHER OPTION IN THE LOAD OUTS THERE SHOULD BE SPARTAN2S AND SPARATAN3S ELITES AND ARBITERS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TWO ARE ONE MOVES FASTER JUMPS HIGHER ONE COULD DUEL WEILD THE OTHER HAS ARMOR ABILITES ONE HAS STRONGER SHEILD THE OTHER SHEILD RECHARGES FASTER ONE SURVIVES HIGHER JUMPS One has more melee damage than the other, This idea also means that one has more bullet proof, 30 percent more than the other and one melees faster, and one switches weponds faster and the other has longer assasinations, also more enjoyable to watch. Back to the impotant do you think this is a good idea to include in halo 4 Good solution to those who hate armor abiliteis but at the same time giving them advantages and disadvantages. to me those ideas above are not complete, what do you think. Before you reply make a mark if you like it , hate it :thumbdown: , or it is a mabe to you
  18. Thanks, do you think I should post a new topic about it
  19. It could probably make the guy jump higher, if timed right, and on space maps it would work good as a jet pack
  20. Mabe like quick fast steps and narrow, or something like wider steps, or defalt.and how you hold your wepond while you do that the standing part I was talking about when you are standing still maybe for 1 sec your spartan, elite, puts there wepond down or in a certain position that is custimisable.
  21. seriously, it is not that hard to at least get to captain,( i am a commander grade 2)
  22. I am excited about the ranks too
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