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Everything posted by saifa117

  1. maybe a veto, vote system, that way, the hated stuff wont be picked and the prefered would be most likely picked. press x to veto and a on what to vote on. Oh and 343, please allow individuals to vote on different stuff on the same console some how
  2. saifa117

    Halo 4 3rd-Person?

    One thing for sure no 3rd person by itself, but it may be fun to switch between the two, like I said earlier, but it probably would be fun to switch from third person vehicle to first person, any ideas on that
  3. I feel there is nothing to fear from what I heard from 343 so far, and that new planet is not about protecting humanity on it, it is probably going to lean to the activation of something that humanity may lay close to extinction
  4. It would be really awsome to get my hands on those new weponds, suprisingly I predict at least one of them will turn out to be really close to the sentinal beam
  5. Mabe, this is my opinion and what I think is a better idea, equipment, like a limited jet pack, only makes you jump higher if you time it, a rage ability, slower than sprint, jump higher, and melee damage increases, invisibility, halo 3, what do you think
  6. something more like a dodge armor ability, where if you time it right, you would dodge a lunge on an energy sword,rocket launcher, sniper rifle, of course a limitation for it, little like evade but AI controled matrix.
  7. The locoust is a vehicle in halo wars that shoots a beam of plasma like the scarab, smaller than the scarab, has an individual moving set on top of the legs, 4 legs, and moves as fast as a tank, possibly if available in halo 4 could zoom and has same controls as a scorpion tank, yes it charges its weponds then shoots, like the scarab. should be more effective against inf, and air units than on vehicles
  8. yeah, it is confirmed that their are armor abiliteis , so there has to be something to replace the armor lock, something less over powered and less anoying, especially after all those people making complaints about it
  9. maybe it be more fun in your case if there was smarter AI, funner camping time
  10. Thanks for your statements and your comments but I was hopeing that an official 343 industies to tell me something about it, thanks any ways
  11. I will buy it for forge and campaign if it is like COD but then go back to halo reach
  12. Thanks, mabe after the halo 4 version inheritor
  13. And dont forget the last level in halo when you have the warthog, that was epic
  14. saifa117

    Halo 4

    true, man I hate waiting
  15. True, but having an over charged plasma pistol against this thing sounds fun
  16. So if it did that then if you have an overshield, that would be kind of a waste but at the same time cool
  17. halo reach legend, if you read this tell me your opinion on if this is true or not
  18. I was reading about this the other day and it said something about a trailer with masterchif in it and he entered the planet... read for your self http://halo4hub.com/rumors/early-halo-4-details-leaked every one is driving me crasy on this so say yes, no , or dont reply at all if you think it might be in, but you are not sure, and just dont want to spoil anything
  19. saifa117

    Halo 4

    I heard something about the percursurs, a possible threat bigger than the flood
  20. yes first of all I am very fond of elites as you could tell by my username and title. Hi, how do i start ive been a halo fan ever since the first series, looking foward to the new halo series, and have high hope and trust in 343 industries to take halo and make it a better game I am not saying halo is bad. I am saying 343 in its own ways could make it better I dont hate spartans, and dont prefer elites over them, it is just right after spartans for me is the elites. So hi every one and hope we have a great time. see you online. Over here I wont continue and give you my wishlist, it is already on the topic halo 4 hope to meet new friends
  21. yes like i mentioned earlier we cant trust it 100 percent but it looks like it is possible
  22. cancel side winder, i kinda think blood gulsh is better
  23. what do you think about the wepond
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