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Everything posted by saifa117

  1. Yeah I wished that too, But I want it in a seperate game playlist so you could choose before you have to get the majority vote
  2. I dont really like exp because that would mean the more you play the better you are but I prefer the better you play the better you are. Maybe include skill points and when you lose you dont lose the skill point you stay with it but when you win you get a better boost with the skill points same as credits but earn ranks faster than others
  3. Nice you posted the same thing twice, I love your ideas and I wish they were in halo 4, but do you think 343 will be able to incorperate in time, I wish they do it and my hopes are high but I wont get my hopes too high
  4. All you mentioned I always wanted in my mind exept for the forge idea, that was new, but I love the idea
  5. Do you think they should make a flood vehicle, or some thing like that, Not technical but something that can help you get around areas quickly
  6. But chill out, Blaming them wont do a thing, and cancelling armorabilities is not an option, they already showed us the halo 4 trailer, so there is no point in discussion, just wish for a good change in armor abillities
  7. If that is the case... If you are not staying with the armor abilities... And you are not going to the past classic halo.. That means we are going to encounter something new in the armor abilities but what.... Let us wait and see, please just have patience
  8. Probably if even firefight is going to be so big and complicated they should make 3 discs If they are going to start seperating discs they might as well do it for the better gameplay,less lag, and better graphics
  9. I wish holograms were more like the player its self or it wasnt there in the first place I wish active camo doesnt regenerate and dosent act as a radar gammer but you dont appear on radar or it wasnt there in the first place I wish jet pack could be used to thrust yourself foward or it wasnt there in the first place Armor lock shouldnt be there in the first place drop shield should be a bubble sheild evade is nice sprint should be for longer duration and not recharge I am done
  10. If you read in one of my previous posts I put something like killstreaks but you start with them. So it is very simmilar to your idea. I personaly think you put it in a better way than I stated it and so i can only tell you one thing. Nice idea
  11. good point but as for me I liked all the halos until halo 3 when after that I expected to have something even better but halo reach made me feel bad that it wasnt like I wanted it to be
  12. even if it is missing, from halo 1 to halo 2 his whole model changed. Halo reaches spec ops and ultra elites changed.It isnt a big difference. maybe if it was talking about a wepond maybe that would be different
  13. After you choose please state why you chose your answer. Then if you want to state any comments about if you want more than what you chose please state it. And last, all of the answers above or optimistic except 3 of them, if you want less stuff in halo 4 then state your idea below
  14. and by the way I am not saying I want to change your game mode I am saying I wish also there is a seperate game mode that has some of the same features
  15. I also wish for a gametype kind of like that but it has all four factions/species in the same multiplayer game. Four sided map, each side has one certain type of species and each species has its own advantage except the elites and the spartans. the other two sides the sentinal could fly and the flood could infect. The sentinal has a sheild and is controlable like the hornet in halo 3. and the flood is like you said. The flood could infect all species except the sentinals
  16. If you cant play as an elite and is replaced as a forrunner I will be in great dissapointment
  17. did anybody mention about forge allowing you to create mountains or gigantic structures or bridges or doors. It be really great to make an invasion map with those. Also to make your own cinematic phantom/pelican and create the paths they go to every phase
  18. That is a nice idea but it would be hard to get use to the new controls. I say if you get infected you turn into an infected form of your species with the same gun. But if you die then your idea is nice and fits perfectly.You get to choose which flood form you are before you spawn. For the big flood that explodes I think you should only control one of them and the rest are AI. That would be nice. Great idea in the end. Its better than invasion
  19. In my opinion halo reach wasnt bad but I wish it could be better and I hope halo 4 dosent end up like it. Yeah I miss being a lone wolf at the end of each halo but halo reach's lone wolf level ended in disapointment and was no fun. No duel weilding was also a disapointment when I was expecting all or most weponds to be duelwieldable. Halo 2 s campaign was great because on legendary it would mean you had to be a perfectionest to defeat it on legendary and that is what makes its campaign challanging and fun. What is your opinion
  20. Maybe there are other ways to get that halo feel again other than the armor abilities like in campain face the whole covanant and flood by your self as a lone wolf or with others on cooperative.
  21. I agree but I am tired of people getting higher ranks then me even though i AM BETTER THAN them and because they play more they get a higher rank
  22. Ok we all know that we want more vehicles: from halo 1 to halo wars to halo reach except the covanant ships and unsc frigates We also know we want much more armor custimizations:Hands,wrists,waste,boots,back,accesories(helmet),acceescories(body), ect Maybe some more assasinations: Limited armor abilities that do not recharge Bigger forgeing capacity:change faction from forunner to human to covanant to flood/all vehicles and weponds forgable/mountains forgable/doors elevators and bridges that are activatable Forgable firefight: custimize how many and where you and the AI spawn and the wepond drop and bigger firefight maps Cinematic spawning:drop pods, drop ships No armor lock, maybe armor lock down that is when your teammate can unlock your armor only all weponds back: from halo 1 to halo reach A campaign type of playlist when you and your freinds are with some AI and have to finish this objective and the enemy are also players with AI A version of a killstreak that calls suport in certain playlists but you start with them you dont have to earn them And avoiding to copy Call of duty /perks,custimizable wepond,ect Back to halo 3 system ranking:skill points. And last but not least try to find a way that campain and multiplayer bring back that halo feeling
  23. They should probably have a limit for armor abilities like after you wast the jet pack it does not recharge and you have to pick up a new jet pack
  24. that is a gret idea especially at the drop pod part I always wanted to do that in multiplayer
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