What I think we should do is disclude the brutes because they have not been having shields for the past halo games except for the higher ranked brutes. That would mean very little custimizations for the brutes. The new enemy would be good,and I would wish for the elites to come back as enemy or freinds but more of enemies. They are really fun to fight as they are good opponents. If they get replaced that would be a real bummer. If that happens at least include them in multiplayer. The flood there is limitations for custimizing and would only include the infected forms of humans,elites,brutes, ect, and would have sheilds like in halo 2. they could pick up weponds like them too. so I would include them too. The new enemy depends for me. Grunts, jackles, drones, hunters, and prophets dont fit in well, I rather prefer the brutes. I think sentinals is a good idea. it is included in the choice and anything new.