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Everything posted by saifa117

  1. always wanted something like the end of halo reach, (craking glass)
  2. saifa117

    our 12

    yea i agree with that people face off others that are almost exactly the same skill
  3. guardian, love the race for the shotgun and bubble sheild
  4. if that is the case transformers, that would be cool but what size does the transformer have to be in the first place
  5. nice idea, flood would be the winner hands down
  6. incoming glassing ship No hope for the transformers, but on ground the transformers
  7. maybe a covanant bomb but not a nuke
  8. saifa117

    our 12

    doesnt have to be same rank system as halo 3 a new rank system is required i say thanks for your ideas on this topic
  9. saifa117

    our 12

    forgable firefight/campaign bigger maps more options/all playlist and game modes more custimizations more people allowed in theater(party leader controls the video) a higher max amount of players allowed in a playlist a multiplayer that kept us playing like halo 3 a different ranking system that depends more on the skill of a player than how much he played Ai integrated in some gametypes(infection,invasion) and a great campaign more drivable vehicles more species IT IS NOT COMPLICATED
  10. you said it better than me
  11. halo 1 the mission the maw, always loved the big jump, kept on reverting to last checkpoint, until halo 2 came out
  12. just saying, how many of you would like an equipment or armor ability that allows you to deul weild all weponds?
  13. but like i said, yours ideas are cool and your new, so its a common mistake
  14. this has been posted more than 4 times, twice in my topic more than thrice in forge 3.0 but still cool ides
  15. yeah, i come to same conclusions in the end
  16. lol, how about forgable nature like rats, birds ect.
  17. so editable nature creatures like birds rats ect is that what you are saying
  18. thats true, hey cool you are an elite ultra in rank, thats what i aim for
  19. yes, but if it is two discs, you might as well
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