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Everything posted by saifa117

  1. nice ideas, that is all i can say
  2. must put, three more ideas, ok, anything else than you mentioned, yes, a quiker way to travel through the bigger maps while in edit mode next your turn
  3. true true, wouldnt really like that, and imagine on a small screen what scoping would be like
  4. yes, thats true, i also doubt it but i get what you mean, just like halo pc and halo 2, and if it even is on pc it wount be on mac, and every one will start to complain
  5. look just press the zoom button, some are just like you said
  6. Yes, i wanted that too, elite ultra armor and arbiter armor combined, awsome
  7. nope,halos weponds aiming area already apear on visor for you, but yeah, but no, not really encouraging this, but nice idea for cod fans
  8. yep, and there you have it, this is CNN, and we will get right back to you in a sec dada da daaa dada daddad da ddaaaaaaaaaaa ddaa da da da Im back and todays weather forcast is...
  9. saifa117

    Halo 4

    yes, great ieas, and two discs please no invisivble, scarab, maybe invisible forrunner ship and phantom
  10. just thinking, a needler rocket launcher could be like this, locks on to air, once fired, speed of rocket or little slower faster than needler, hits target causing damage and then the needler projectile that is stuck inside explodes,works on infantry too,No lock on, what do you think of that.
  11. yea, thats true, especially vs the flood
  12. Arby and the cheif, vs , precursors human and covanant vs precursors or all vs percursors thats in my opinion
  13. very thoughtful ideas, lost me at the beam rifle but in reach it was called focus rifle, just for your info
  14. exactly, doesnt have to be skilled but fun
  15. thanks alot idavid, i like it the way it is
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