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Everything posted by saifa117

  1. its probably like silent said, sorry hero
  2. all weponds from halo 3 and beam rifle and battle rifle. looks like we think the same way
  3. like in campain of reach, protect the station, elites penetrate and get inside , dont let them arm the bomb, then disarm the bomb that the elites protect, i think that idea is awsome .then humans if protect the station escort the frigate to the covanant corvette next put the slipspace device in the corvette, then protect the device. full campaign misson with players and AIs, i think it is an awsome idea
  4. wow, that would be cool and awsome
  5. I was also thinkin in these maps in forge you could change the background, from above reach, to next to halo, ect also not in contact with the players
  6. sweat. Next chief thought about
  7. maps big that size i doubt it but i think the ideas are not great they are awsommeee!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. saifa117


    if that was available, i think it would be cool if the ghost, wraith, revenant could all float on water as well, that would be cool
  9. nice predictions but i bet the story has to do something with the elites too, freinds, or foes
  10. siding on both sides is a good idea
  11. not really, makes the game complicated, maybe on custom games, some playlists only type of thing. leader traits: 120 percent fire rate. you get the point but other than the fact that it is complicated i think it is great
  12. nice catch, you convinced me enough by just that
  13. a mabe choice or a no choice should be there i agree
  14. ya, that sounds good, and who here is bored of the covanant cannon man until the defiant map pack is realesed. I think you should be able to change it too along with the scenery
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