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Everything posted by saifa117

  1. nice signature sentence
  2. looking foward toward that time
  3. a very luxurious defeated snack
  4. what are those ewoks you talk about
  5. true not all people want all of the above, but they are good ideas but dont satisfy everyone
  6. yes thats true, same with scorpion vs wraith
  7. Oh i almost forgot, boarding action, i wonder how fun that would be with jetpacks
  8. yes that would be cool, but what is the point, unless it also includes visor,eye,glow color. yeah and also something like the tactical pad, that would be cool
  9. assasintion armor ability, while using this, assasinations are available from the front too. person with most armor ability wasted loses a 1 vs 1 assasination, front.
  10. well for me, from what i read this game would probably have a lot to do with the elites because of the new book released called halo something that was supposed to talk about events in halo 4 and relationships between humans and elites, so they would return as foes, or allies. what do you think about this idea
  11. looks like most people here like the sword and prefer equipment. team sword and lone sword sound like nice playlists, but probably should be made in one called swords. like your ideas
  12. Nice example, i loved it and now i got your point
  13. of the huge unintellectual brute
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