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Original Halo

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  1. Dear people, this is OriginalHalo and i'm really concerned about the original halo spirit. 343, here is some points that me and my friends here in Finland had noticed. I hope you guys don't mind and you'll take this as a constructive gesture. First things first: Some matters, which did lose "the real halo spirit" after halo 3, is that bungie and 343 upgrade the game "better" versions! For example: after halo 3 (skipping halo wars and ODST) came Reach... you can see differents between Halo 3 and Reach (not saying that all of these things are bad) -Armor ability -armor -firefight -better forge... Etc. Some of these new things change the way of halo, and when they do it, something in "the real halo spirit" will be removed and replaced new things, like abilities. Ok, i know its cool to have some awesome things what you can use in the battlefields of matchmaking, like customize your armor, change visor color and do some loadouts. but try keep it halo, or it will change the way! It's more like COD to me then.. And that's not good! It's coming totally new game, if 343 continue what Bungie stopped.. Because Bungie lose it too after halo 3! So what i suggest, is do halo 3, 2, 1 stuff.. Forget all upgrades and try to do it halo way, and put some halo 1/2 things more, like Arbiter (I like playing both of them (Chief) and them teamwork was so cool in halo 3!), flood, old and new dropships, maybe Brutes some way. And try keep Master Chief same way as always (Btw I really don't like halo 4 armors :/ 80-90% are bad if asking me). Its good to bring some new things in halo like Forerunners, which is good. When adding new things, try keep it halo way again. I know that you guys in 343 think about that, and try to do it best way. but these upgrades to COD makes me angry i'm sorry. This is one of the main reasons, which makes halo less halo. Some advices Sometimes things, what u can improve/upgrade better, it wouldn't be so smart to upgrade, and remember that: "If you want something so much and you can't get it, you want it more. When you get it, you don't want it so much anymore." I hope that 343 use this when listening players thoughs! -And make halo 4 floods immune to headshots! -Keep firefight! (use both halo 1 and 3 dropships?) -Bigger forge world than halo 4! Congratulations for halo 4 campaing! It was good Keep trying 343! It will succeed. Thank you for reading this, it was our thought. And a bit random: can 343 do/show some covenant language? It would be so much fun to learn that!
  2. Now lets start my job! :)

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