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  1. It showed that John isn't merely a machine following orders, like a computer following commands. He holds some things dear, or finds them more important that obeying these orders. Refusing to hand over Cortana, stopping the Didact and such things show that he isn't just mindlessly mowing down those covenant, he actually values what he does in a way any human would.
  2. I thought she was just referring to the fact that it was "an" ancient human soul, as in a random one. The Knight's soul is just a random one, not especially one that bears any special meaning. Correct me if i'm wrong, but I thought every Knight had "an ancient A.I. full of human memories".
  3. I'm gonna say I'm voting for her to return. Just because she has been this thriving force behind most of the main Halo games, and almost everything being about her. I felt really lost in the Halo 3 missions that were happening without Cortana, it felt so... different. Also Halo 4 was too involved with her to just drop her like that, they could've just "closed that chapter" shortly in the beginning of the game if they really wanted to get rid of her. The Chiefs original, and only mission that he received from Captain Keyes, was to "Keep Cortana safe at all costs". I would really like to see the Chief pay hommage to this command in Halo 6. Just my 2 cents.
  4. I think it would be a bold move for 343i to bring flood back, since Halo 3 clearly 'finished that fight'. Although it would be an interesting theory for some Spartan Ops or Firefight stuff, Forerunners having kept some specimens on a yet undiscovered Halo installation. Bringing it back to the main story line would just focus the games on the flood all over again, since everybody (Humans, Covenant, Forerunners) know that they are the worst enemy of all. I say no more flood, and no more damn Library.
  5. Hmmm. I thought they were a fun idea too in Halo 2, but quickly became too gimmicky for my taste. The Bandanna one in Halo CE Anniversary ruined the whole concept for me.
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