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Everything posted by ScalableFence

  1. Likewise, there is the "griefing". Spartan OPs online needs banning-booting system just like in Wargames. If players sabotage or even kill other teammates, they need to be banned or booted (atleast from the current game). And the system needs to allow "jump in" of new players. No voting. Kill your own teammate, gone. (played a custom match, shot my buddy's mantis and got booted. Why not SpartanOps?) -too many -holes ruin it. Case in point, let's say gamertag "BR eats AR" decides to use the ghost to mow down other teammates. I saw him target a good player, over and over until they quit out. There is no punishment. Player thinks its amusing. All one can do is use gaming complaint system (useless). -players sign up and they bail. i understand dropped packets or needing to quit, but have the game restart and either accept the lower number group or get more player (4) back. Please fix this by adding feature to ban unsportsman-like players (hey, you can do what you want in a Forge or custom match...) 343, would you consider adding this?
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