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Everything posted by Banehalo

  1. are we really making posts about this really
  2. FREE GSD!!!!!! he didn't do anything your just mad cause he is higher than you lol.
  3. thats what a true forger is a true forger can handle any environment they get even if it looks impossible
  4. i agree but they can't magicly make a new badge
  5. some are there just lazy to chat or don't want to lol
  6. the team killing with a vehicle is stupid if they updated it and fix's that will help a lot with the team killing i mean it so sensitive that one love tap could make a spartan fly it's funny but not when it's your own team and when you hit the other team they don't get splatter cause of some weird reason. if 343i see's this fixs this please i love the game and i deffend you but team killing should be no no
  7. people if you want to have a good competive/relaxing time join this whats stoping you from joining besides if your not 14 and up. join today
  8. wonderful hope this one give's inspiration to all of us to not give them grief cause they just did the best map pack now in the world. can't wait another seconded want map pack now!!!!!
  9. well we are having a vary confusing so as soon as i feel like it has been maxed out i will make my final choice
  10. OOOVER KILLL kinda expecting them to be shrinked in the screen but this looks way cooler than i image thanks sig can you also make it profile photo
  11. hi i'm looking for all the scripting of halo 4 forge maps so i can make game types much faster this might help out too so you don't have to search for them. i will make a post each day of a video i can find of it and the scripting of that game type. if you don't like it sorry i thought the forgers of the world would love not trying to look it up and stuff so after this post i will find a scripting of the most easyest scripting that doesn't take much to do. i guess this takes out the couple of days From Certain Affinity: This video describes how to set up King of the Hill, Oddball, and Capture the Flag using Forge in Halo 4. Game labels for each object listed below: King of the Hill: Hill Marker - "KOTH_Hill" Oddball: Capture Plate - "Oddball_Ball" Capture the Flag: Flag Stand - "CTF_Flag_Return" Respawn Zone - "CTF_Res_Zone" Respawn Zone, Away - "CTF_Res_Zone_Away"
  12. so two easter eggs that do the same thing there something fishy going on what is 343 hidding from us
  13. this is like a remake of halo 1 if you played it you know there were problems with it halo 2 was better then halo 3 was there best cause they hit off forge which made people get it and forge and play on them. halo 4 is the same thing forge is better the graphics amazing and the location of weapons make's it easyer to find. halo 4 is the rebirth to save it from where it was going to go a bottomless deep of nothing so just cause you think it's unfair doesn't mean you need to think 5 and 6 will be the same keep and open mind. don't judge it by bugs that could be fixs by us the players focus on what the game brings. this is my idea of the game it's much better than reach it make's halo 3 was poop ( which it was) and when your bored of campang you can do spartin ops and get better at killing. just cause you hate it doesn't mean that 343i should drop dead cause of it this is the first ever non bungie helped game for halo so they will need to see what need's worked on.
  14. ok i will work on this game type this is a poll to see what would make a couple fair loadouts so if people think that a sniper riffle is fair then that's fine by me
  15. they did win they were blue they attacked each other so they have some do no he is the deamon and are afraid of him but they won't bow to him that would make them hertic
  16. this is all about opion not about bashing the game if you don't like then don't tell us we can't magically get them to make and update to save it
  17. that is one of my bests you can do anything on it and it doesn't look stupid like ravine, erosion is different it looks like a junk yard in a way so i'm ok with that
  18. ok i will agree about that but what if it was like a magma for each loadout so you have that close weapon or energy sword?
  19. if you know a good loadout for them let me know. another question: will be posted in comments soon
  20. my favored unsc is the saw and br those together makes a kill fun my alien weapons gravity hammer and fuel rod promethium the cannon and binary riffle
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