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Everything posted by Banehalo

  1. yes i don't use it a lot but when i do now i hate using it in battle cause i now have to hide pre charge it and then they run in i kill them and i hate camping i do i rather be aggressive and charge them than camp
  2. everyone complains about them but i bet you when they kill someone with it they don't care so if 343 wants to take it away because crybabys want it gone fine but don't run to them when you want it back. i just hate how oh it's so over powering people camp with it they do this with it know what i say put a helmet on you baby. i love to say lets keep them in here after they weakend it now i can't use it cause i can't be close long enough to shoot it. the saw is a bit op cause it has to much of a range on it that still kills you fast.
  3. this is something on my list that 343 needs to fixs lag spartin ops has lag match making has lag where is there no lag in the game
  4. i notice that too but as long you have PV your good or at least has and eagle eye to notice the camo
  5. no not the bacon i miss you already
  6. Banehalo

    RE: The SAW

    SAWS one of those weapons where it is a god tool cause that thing can still kill you even from a distance if anything that needs to be cut down rather than a boltshot.
  7. i wish i could make it up on the staff list that seems cool i don't get looked up to a lot on the forums. but i never knew there were some staff i've never knew was in a different area of the forums this will make it easyer to know who is a staff and who is a regular dude.
  8. there won't be sadly if there was no hornet or falcon that you can drive in campagne there not going to script up a vehicle now. i would love there to be one but 343 might have something bigger up there sleve in the next's halo who knows
  9. today dlc is out horray i hope i get it downloaded in time to get a feel for it

    1. Banehalo


      that downloaded fast i might be able to play it after all tonight :)

  10. todays a great day the servers are up and 2 more days till dlc

    1. Fishy


      I'm sad, I leave the day before the dlc. :(

      But, tell me if the maps are any good.

    2. Banehalo


      will do i think they should do a dlc playdate or game night but they might not who knows :)


  11. why why did halo 4 servers go down i wanted to be watching the sunset on my Emmy now i have to watch a cheater

  12. assault riffle is the best you can't beat it
  13. are you them do you know how to run there job you don't know how hard it is to do something that went offline with out a warning 343 may do bad things but you have know ideal what they can be doing it might be hard to fix's it. i understand no loadout and cheaters but for the sake of halo 4 give them a break first year something like this happens your on them like rabid dogs so just let 343 do what they do and you just leave them alone.
  14. if it didn't get blown up
  15. idk why 343 does't send a message say server will shut down on halo 4 for some updates they just shut it down. there nice people
  16. well then my waypoint just hates me
  17. so would that me cortana is still out there some where????
  18. why can't anything be easy why.
  19. but didn't he die on halo 3 the guilty spark????
  20. but why quit when it takes longer to find another game again why not add one it makes it easy to add none of the above instead of quiting and getting zero xp
  21. same here it's better to do there anyways at least then you can use falcon for vehchale
  22. sorry wrong topic i miss read it ignore that
  23. welcome if your what type of clan are you intressed in might be able to help you if you need anything ask us we are vary helpful at time's lol
  24. wanted to know if people are having the bug that i have been having for awhile. So i know reach had the bug where your armor didn't update but now it has travel to halo 4 has anyone else had the same problem cause i wanted my person for my sig but my recruitment armor is still on me and i hate it let me know if this is just a werid bug i have or if it is halo waypoint being sick.
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