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Posts posted by Banehalo

  1. *well let see here i*


    *ok i got it today i was looking on the main menu of the forums and was bored i went back up to chat to talk. when i was typing all of a sudden one of the BOTS says something. i was shocked cause i never saw this one before i was freaked out. but the bot said something it said that dizzy dan awoke the BOTS. and then it went to sleep again*

  2. ok on wednesday february 20 2013 i was looking and doing my thing then all of a sudden one of the bots started talking in the chat boxs i thought it was someone who like was messing around so everyone was going along with it when all of a sudden GSD came on and didn't see anything it might say he is guilty but doesn't mean he did that crime.

    my statement is over

  3. On this day, Wednesday February the Twentieth, I was in the shoutbox. I was discoursing with Drizzy_Dan, when to my surprise, Community Info, an old BOT friend of mine appeared. He accused Dan of waking him from his ancient slumber. I greeted him as a friend, recalling the cycles we had spent together. But he disappeared, and enacting security protocols were to no avail. I then visited his profile, and found, to my horror, that GSD had visited his profile scant minutes before the scandal occurred. I therefore believe that GSD evilly abused his mod powers, to capture Community Info and hold him hostage, meanwhile impersonating him in order to cause strife. Upon questioning him in the shoutbox, he professed his innocence, so I had no choice but to take this to the court of law. The prosecution rests.


    Note that no witnesses may be called as of yet, only Banehalo's opening statement, after conversing with GSD.

    Ok i didn't see the chat much but i looked back at online log he wasn't on so it was impossible for him to hack the AI of that BOTS group trust me it's impossible to try haking them if he was skilled that much then he would of done it with help so that is proves he didn't do it

  4. Magnets do not work, the pieces realign when loading the map so they have to be readjusted and the removal of presicion editing was just awful...


    You said true forgers LIKE the maps. I can forge on the environments, but I do not like them.

    good point i see why some hate it i love it because i can get the parts close enough that it needs a little adjustment and poof done

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