I personally love most of the additions 343 has made to Halo 4. I can understand their shift to competitive game play. Most of my experience with multiplayer has been stellar. However my love of Halo is rooted in the custom games experience. It is the custom games experience that kept me coming back to Halo 3 for years, and years. It kept me playing Reach every day till Halo 4 came out. I love that Halo has always been any game you could imagine. Its a racing game, a platformer, even a board game. I loved racing so much I started a Halo racing league. We start our 4th season this month with no race game type. KOTH is ok for clowning around, but a legit, competitive race requires functional checkpoints. We will push on, and keep hoping that 343 has not forgotten such a huge portion of their fan base.
So in short. While I love the effort 343 has put into matchmaking, having it come at the expense of custom games is too high a price. It is the custom gaming experience that sets the Halo franchise apart from every other game on the market. Its what has kept myself and thousands of other players in love with the Halo brand for so many years. I think all we would ask for is the game types we fell in love with playing Reach. Race, Speed Pile, Hockey, etc...
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