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Cap'n Galvin

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Oddly enough, something similar happened in Halo 3 On a whole nother Live Account. It's like, I don't get the armor everyone else gets for no reason:( I don't usually post things, I just search for somebody else who had the same problem, so, where might I go to get to the source of this problem? And no, I don't use cloud because my hard drives always been big enough.
  2. So, I'm Rank SR38 on Halo 4, doin my thing killing people and all, and I was playing with my brother today on the same Xbox. He got new armor to preview before he was a high enough level to unlock it. Looking at it, it was scout, one of my FAVORITE armies from previews Halo games. And I checked really quick to see what you needed to unlock it. You need to be level 38. Seeing this, I got VERY excited and proceeded to go change my armor, only to find that I don't have it?!? It's not even in preview for me?! What did I do wrong? Why don't I have my FAVORITE armor? Somebody please help or tell me what I can do to fix this.
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