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Everything posted by John-117

  1. Thanks dude, looking forward to the fall update!
  2. I say we rank up with exp but, every game we will earn a certain amount of credits so we can buy new armor.
  3. I actually think they could work. If they have duel wielding then they could be used as a weapon on one hand with a real weapon on the other.
  4. I had one called The Legends clan, and I now have it in Reach too!
  5. I have CEA paid off and getting Gears 3 for my birthday!
  6. I feel that they should make a lot of changes to the. Here is a list: Sprint- needs to be a default for all players. This being done by holding down the left thumb stick. Evade- Good as it as. Armor Lock- Make it to where it doesn't recharge, after you use it 1 time. This would make it so people who use it and decide to kill them self to get it back again will cause their team to lose points so they won't use it as much. Active Camo- fine as long as they make it to where you can use your night vision in match making. Jet Pack- Make it so it will only go half as high as they do. Drop shield- Good as it as. Hologram need to be more life like and it would be cool if you could attach a sticky to it so you send it to the enemy.
  7. Yea I missed the feeling of there's no hope, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel feel from halo 2!
  8. Who's up for some Halo right now?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      Don't mind him. He real sucks at halo.

    3. TheRealJohn117


      I bet im better than u kurt. I know that im better than John-117 though!

    4. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      I know you're not better then me.

  9. Yea, it would be cool! I am hoping they do something with laser defense turrets in the game!
  10. Yea, and look at MC toy for the game, it looks terrible hoping they change that too!
  11. It will be like celebrating MC's birthday with grunt funeral and the grunt birthday party. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  12. I did they same thing with starting on legendary.
  13. Ok guys, this isn't a fight, Absolute Dog said he will get the game and try it out, this is based on personal opinion okay, but we don't have to get to the point where we get like this,
  14. Yea, I am also hoping forcan achievement where you have to hold your pistol throughout the whole game.
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