I've been playing Halo for 10 years now and I stopped being a Halo fan after Halo 2, because the game got boring fast, it was so easy to get a 50 and once you got a 50 theres no point on playing any more, I used to be a lobby ***** it was so boarding.
I think old bungie did an excellent job on Halo 2, it was really fun and addicting, and my highest skill was level 45, barely anyone got a 50 in that game, those who did were cheaters, or really good.
I think 343 should make Halo 4 like Halo 2 game play
hard to get a high level
supper jumps of chose every one loves glitches, chilling with friends and doing glitches that was fun.
custom game mods only, NO MATCHMAKING MODS those are gay.
and defiantly button glitches like double shots, double beat down, fast reload
stuff like that made the game really addicting
But some of the stuff in Halo 3 was pretty cool
like forge, building your one maps
theater with friends
fire share
Halo 2 had the best online game play of all time and I and other people play Halo 2 online to this day with XBConnect.com
I really hope 343 takes ideas and give them some thought.