Have you even played Halo 2 or 3 you dumb *****? you obviously havent. They had so little bloom that it didnt even affect the game. Also if you would have read what I said instead of being a stupid girl, you would have seen that i wrote that there needs to be a balance, Bullets should spread with the DMR, but not nearly as much as they do in reach.
Honestly people like you ruin forums, all these no life losers are going to stick up for you just so they can say that they are friends with a female on the internet.
That guy is most certainly 12 years old because he ranted on about **** that no one was really talking about, and you guys are too dumb saying "durrr what do you mean by bloom hurrr all halos had it hurrr" to even read what I said, and that I agree with what you said on about things.
At least 343 agrees with me, and they will make Halo reach fun and playable.
Oh one last thing, just because your bullets go straight, doesnt mean you dont have to aim. Halo 2 and 3 had no bloom on br, and you had to be a really good shot to get 4 shot kills every time.
A Player should only have to worry about his own inconsistencies, Not about the horrible inconsistencies of his weapon. Not to mention it slows the game down from slow to retarded casual mode slow
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