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Tempory Tree

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Everything posted by Tempory Tree

  1. Lack of new vehicles on BTB maps, i loved the vehicles in Halo 3 BTB. Chopper was pure awesome. map rotation, i cant stand playing the same map like 4-5 times in a row.
  2. well actually there is a difference between winning and losing, if you win then by your logic you are better than the other player? as you said in the last post? those days where you can be half a team down and still win are gone my friend, there is too much auto aim, auto win for the new players. if your idea of fun is getting medals, you must be having a blast there is a medal for everything in this game. i am discussing the topic, please see my previous posts.
  3. Thanks for your input however your input is invalid. but really, i dont stat pad, bottom line is, if i am not enjoying it i am not going to play, if you want to force yourself to stay in a game which you know you are going to lose, be my guest, the JiP will suck someone in anyway. Good luck and have fun i guess.......
  4. yeah i will give you the part about getting banned, my bad. i honestly thought i didnt type it. i can see where you are coming from regarding finishing the matches, i just think it is wrong to implement punishments other than xp penalty because that doesnt hurt anyone. i dont quit because i am bad at the game, i quit because i am not having fun, its lagging, phone goes, family come round etc etc. i think 343i discouraged matchmaking enough already lol. just so you know, this isnt a personal attack either just something i feel strongly about. ever since reach they have added things which i feel have hindered the games progress and overall achievements.
  5. Erm, i never said i should be banned either? you know you cant validate your argument/suggestion by putting words in my mouth Well, sorry but i am not spending £40.00 on a game to not enjoy it because other people need me to have a bad game so that they can enjoy it lol, i mean come on, your asking a bit too much. I am a mature player, just because i dont agree with you, you are assuming that i am under the age of 17 lol. Also the way you say finish what you start, come on dude, its not like you are quitting a job because of a hard day or leaving college because you cant be bothered. Get a grip and maybe we can all expect a more mature reply from yourself?
  6. Following the release of Mists of Pandera and the success it has had, i heard that 343i are going to be implementing a wizard, shaman and druid class.
  7. This is a terrible idea, i do not want to be 'punished' for quitting a game when it isnt actually my fault that it is lagging or JiP put me in a game where we are losing 800 - 300. according to my service record i have played 569 games and quit 106 of them, either for the reasons above or i had to go, wasnt having fun etc etc, do these stats warrent me a ban? I thought the purpose of JiP was to negate the quitters anyway?
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