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Composite Armour

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Everything posted by Composite Armour

  1. This is clearly the mod's hit list. Why else would that Ledgend1221 FEWL be on there?
  2. TheMightyJingles, Quickybaby, TheFochYou and Circonflexes - Funny people who provide interesting and highly entertaining videos about world of tanks. Unit Lost - These guys are hilarious, no matter what game they're playing. Cities Skylines let's play was my favourite. Angry Joe - I like his videos. GreenZero and Sybert - Very interesting commentary on C&C3 KW replays. That's it.
  3. Update on this, Valve has removed the paid mods: http://www.pcgamer.com/valve-has-removed-paid-mods-functionality-from-steam-workshop/
  4. Only good droid is a dead droid. GAR 1, CIS 0.

  5. Alright then. So they've once again needlessly extended the game by another round.
  6. Can you do a vote tally including all of the secret votes?
  7. Bethesda is working with Valve on this and Valve has said that they will only introduce paid mods with permission from the Developers/Publishers. For Skyrim anyways, it's a 25% cut for the modder, 30% cut for Valve and 45% cut for Beth.
  8. Of course I think that people should be rewarded for their work, but this is just ridiculous. The Mod author only gets 25% of the price and they don't get paid until they make 100 quid. I'd honestly rather donate directly to them instead of letting valve and Bethesda get such an insane cut of the price. I honestly don't feel like I'm supporting them at all, I feel like I'm being ripped off. If you put in a way to donate money to content creators directly and make it completely optional, people can and will do it. This feels like another Youtube/Twitch. And let's be real here, Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight have shown that people can and will put up crap, promise things they can never implement and just abandon mods after they make some quick cash. With the insanely short 24 hour refund period(like seriously) that doesn't take into account some of the MANY things which can go wrong and cause the mod to break completely and utterly, this is going to be a big problem and I just don't see Valve suddenly upping the quality control like that. I just feel so frustrated, it seems like such a short-sighted decision to make a quick buck. People can and will buy the game well after launch to mod it. If they can't mod it(A lot of it is trial and error, seeing what mods work and what doesn't, which of course is just not taken into account at all by steam), they won't buy the game.
  9. Link pls: http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/aboutpaidcontent Alright, for those of you with a fear of links and/or an absolutely drastic case of laziness, I'll sum it up for you in a completely objective and totally unbiased(lolno) way: Steam is allowing mods to be sold for a price. Now honestly, this sounds like a horrible move and I hope it fails completely and burns in the depths. I like mods. Mods are fun. I like the people who make mods so people can have fun. Those people make them for fun/desire or whatever reason they have. Now when I see this, I'm actually wondering about what the future of modding will be. Already there's a split in the modding community, with some modders taking their mods down off of nexus and uploading them for a price onto steam, while other modders have forbidden their mods from being used in any paid content whatsoever. Now what will happen with sites like Nexus? If Steam/Bethesda are making money from workshop mods and not making money from nexus mods, they'll obviously try to correct that. If they somehow managed to get nexus out of the picture, I think we'll enter some bizarre world where people are going to PIRATE MODS. And I don't mean mods about pirates. This is ridiculous. Absurd! OUTRAGEOUS! Well probably not, but it's pretty stupid. Bethesda games are known for their mod friendliness on PC. Will this change? Why pay for content when you could make it yourself? I'm really worried here, because companies like EA have shown that businesses can and will make stupid decisions that no one asked nor wanted them to do and shoot themselves in the foot. If Bethesda games lose their modding potential, their PC market will probably collapse. I wouldn't play ES on PC if I couldn't get mods. Lastly, people are friends. Friends work together as team. Team makes amazing mods. Everyone loves those mods. Friends are happy that their mods are adored. All well and good. Now toss money into that mix...human nature will set in and there will be sad times. Money corrupts and makes good people into absolute p- I'll leave it at that. If you want facts and information follow the link and do some investigating. Want things handed on a plate or something? This is pretty much my opinion and I want to hear your opinions. What do you think? Is it good that modders should recieve pay for their work? How will modding be affected? Do you even care? Do you even lift bro? Will this ever affect that dream of modding on the "Xbox 360#420 one the sequel"?
  10. One Role to rule them all, One Role to find them, One Role to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
  11. Congratulations, you just needlessly extended the game by another round. Mafian scum.
  12. I vote Arbiter. Weird name for a HERTEIC by the way.
  13. So...Battlefront gameplay is coming out tomorrow. Are you ready?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rrhuntington


      For disappointment, or for glory? I'm hoping the latter.

    3. Akali


      My mind and body are so ready! :drool:

    4. Buns


      I'm with rrhunt on this one. We are treading sacred ground.

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